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COME LET US REASON - 2021. Boy Jesus in the Temple (Christ in the Temple) Burial of Jesus (The Burial of Christ) . Isaiah 52:13-53:12: The Suffering Servant of God. Christian's Expositor Journal - by One-Cup Brethren. Every church planter and gospel-believing preacher wants Jesus to be front and center each time he takes the pulpit. Baptism is more than a ceremony. Christ-centered preaching both encourages belief and challenges unbelief. We solicit prayer request from our members and for any members who may be traveling to include safe travels to all our visitors. Note: The video order format is: First Lesson to Latest Lesson . 1:16; Gal. What exactly does it mean to preach a Christ-centered sermon? Here are four elements that will help preachers to bring Gods Word to Gods people in gospel power each week. Administrator:. As such, the revival may be seen in the days of Hezekiah or Josiah, and the preacher may be seen in the prophets of old, the apostles of Jesus, or the first century Christians who heralded the saving message of Jesus Christ (i.e., Philip preaching in Samaria in Acts 8). The assault on worship has been underway for a long while. Pasadena, TX 77505 The Embrace of God's Grace - Dan Winkler conducted a Gospel Meeting at the PBL church of Christ on March 5-8, 2017. Brother Hardeman then invited brother Boles to serve as a guest teacher for this lectureship, which began in January 1937. John 8:32 You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Persecuted and forced to flee their homes in New York, they struggled . 3. Christians are taught that they are called to love others as themselves and to share their faith with the world. In these studies, the examples of worthy men who lived and died by their faith in God and the hope of the coming Messiah are examined. These outlines reflect the depth of their knowledge of the Word and an approach to preaching that fast being lost among Churches of Christ. The best preaching lifts the congregation into the presence of God so they leave in awe of Christ. In the early 1830s, the fledgling Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints faced a daunting challenge. The Church of Jesus Christ built financial stability through tithing and consecration. This approach has relieved its members and helps in times of crisis. 23rd Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2018. 1:16)! National Lectureship of Churches of Christ 2020. Jesus and His Ministry in Galilee (Part 2). 48th Annual Lectureship. Trust meIve inadvertently not preached Christ more times than Id like to admit. Here, at the Vegas Drive Church of Christ, we work together as the local church, following the pattern set forth in the New Testament of the Bible. There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, God's Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church (PDF file size: 376k). An article recently published by The Gospel Coalition's newly formed Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics has been the subject of considerable criticism for its description of sex as a metaphor for the salvific relationship between Christ and the Church. On most Sundays, it feels like I come with more unbelief than belief. Christ-centered preaching is missionalchallenging unbelief and cultivating belief in all types of listeners. 1950 Harding College Lectures (Restore the NT Church) 1951 Harding College Lectures (Christ and Problems) 1957 Harding College Lectures (New Life In Christ) 2015 Oklahoma Lectureship - Atheism, etc.. 2014 Oklahoma Lectureship - Churches Not Growing. Its our responsibility to learn and understand His word, so we know what we must do to be saved. There are six outlines each on Galatians: The Gospel of Our Liberty, What the Church Needs to Succeed in the 21st Century, The Gospel of Jesus Christ (A study of 1 Corinthians 15:1-5) and The Essentials of Our Salvation (PDF file size: 524k). The National Lectureship of Churches of Christ will be held Saturday, May 23, 2020 through Thursday, May 28, 2020 in the beautiful and magical city of Orlando, Florida. Join Us . (File size: 1.3MB). The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ - 2002 My Lord and My God - 2001 Choose you this Day - 2000 Pressing Toward the Prize - 1999 The Christian Home - 1998 Jesus Spake unto them these Words - 1997 Strength for Daily Christian Living - 1996 Soldiers of Christ, Arise - 1995 The Cross of Jesus Christ - 1994 Fundamentals of the Faith - 1993 Sierra Leone students and staff "turn their world upside down" with the gospel 24 Years 2000-2023. What benefit and influence do gospel meetings and lectureships offer? . 3rd oldest Publication. This lectureship brought together three men whose combined preaching experience exceeds 150 years. Topics include "Wise Advise," "The Abundant Life," "Little Foxes," "Giants and Grasshoppers," "God's Law Of Harvest," and "Have I Become Your Enemy?" Please come join us Jan. 22 - 29, 2023 For Our 2023 Gospel Meeting "Does It Matter"? Christ-centered preaching both encourages belief and challenges unbelief. or CD of individual books in PDF, can be purchased by contacting: Contending For the Faith at 281-350-5516 or Spring Church of Christ Physical Address: 1327 Spring Cypress Road, Spring, TX 77373 Mailing Address: 25403 Lancewood Drive, Spring, TX 77373 281-353-2707 Samuell Pounds - Minister of the Hilltop Church of Christ (Winter Haven, Fla.) is hosting along with area Churches of Christ . Luke 13:3,5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Certainly, it underscores the public pronouncement of heralding the good news of the gospel. 2015 AL State Lectureship Audio Sermons "The Perils Facing the LGBT Movement" - Bro. Brothers, preach Christ. This packet contains 91 charts prepared by Elmer Moore and Jeff Asher to accompany the sermons brother Moore presented in the Second Annual Lectureship at Dumas Drive in Amarillo in June 0f 2002. Most recently, it has been advanced by LaGard Smith, Mike Root, and John Mark Hicks with the help of Pepperdine and Lipscomb Universities. It symbolizes your death and resurrection with Christ. Gospel Radio -- Online Version of Reflections On The Book Divine. 1:21). By. He is a graduate of Memphis School of Preaching (1994) & Southern Christian University (2001) and has preached at gospel meetings . Isaiah 53: The Messiah will be a Suffering Servant for our Sins. Our 2022 Gospel Meeting was a 'Great Success' and now Looking forward to our 2023 Meeting, Download. Another soul has come to Christ! Bible Based Articles for the Edification of All Creation. The Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies is a Preacher training school overseen by the elders of the Karns Church of Christ. The Assault On Worship. Pastor Harper is the 5th child of 6 living children of Harvey and Inez Rodgers and was inspired to open a church following in her father's footsteps, hence the name: CLICK TO PLANT SEED, OR GIVE YOUR BEST GIFT, STANDING IN THE GAP/INTERCESSORY PRAYER SERVICE. Lectures - Nesbit church of Christ. "A HUSBAND AND WIFE TEAM SERVING THE LORD". How preachers motivate and empower their listeners to obedience determines whether their biblical exposition becomes a self-centered or Christ-centered sermon. Scooter & Wheelchairs. 12th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2007. The Christian Worker - published continuously since 1903. Grid View List View. 4:1114). There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, Gods Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church. This series of four sermon outlines focuses on the lives of several Old Testament heroes of the Faith was developed for the 2006 VBS held at Northside Church of Christ in Carthage, Texas. Archive of their Current and Back Issues. The Preacher 1400 4th Avenue West Birmingham, Alabama 35208 (205) 780-5108 The Preacher Evangelist Peter A. Moss, I The preaching ministry of Peter Alan Moss, began at the Roosevelt City church of Christ under the guidance and tutelage of Lee Townes. We lean on the promises of Jesus, as He said in John 17: 3, This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics helps Christians show unbelievers the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel as the only hope that fulfills our deepest longings. These authors and their surrogates have advanced views of the worship and advocated changes altogether unknown to the New Testament. 9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America, The Burning Question from Asbury Isnt About Asbury, Ordinary and Extraordinary: A Day at the Asbury Awakening, Tim Keller on the Decline and Renewal of the American Church. 77th Annual National Lectureship of the Churches of Christ. Spring Gospel Meeting with . That website is now closed, but we took over 100 of their favorite sermons and put them into this ZIP file. 51:27) (2017) * Typology (2016) * Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) * . Avondale church of Christ since 1997 and was appointed as an elder in 2009. When we think about the role that gospel meetings has played throughout history, our minds may go back to the days of revivals. In the end all that matters is that we get right with the Lord, while we have the opportunity. New TestamentAll Gospel Art. What do I mean? The good news of Jesus Christ is both the reason and power for change (Rom. Apologetics Press - Professional Publication. Proverbs 14:12 - John 4:23-24. The church at Philippi: Paul's Love & Joy (Philippians 1:3-11) Ruth, A Virtuous Woman (Ruth 3:11) Eve, Road to Sin (Genesis 3:1-7) Word of God Confirmed (Deuteronomy 18:21-22) Pure and Genuine Religion: Encouraging One Another (James 5:13-20) Pure and Genuine Religion: Be Steadfast (James 5:7-11) Twenty-four full sermon outlines by A. W. Goff, Wayne Goff, and David Goff. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. REGISTER NOW. Gospel Meetings; Lectureship; Bible Reading Podcast; Members. We are comprised of people who have been drawn together for worship and service by a unified faith in Jesus Christ. And it is through OBEDIENCE that we are covered by GRACE. Each outline is thorough in its examination of text and themes (PDF file size: 556k). Explain how belief in the gospel and empowerment by the Spirit results in new obedience. Twenty-four full outlines by A.W. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. In it, Ramsey understands the church as a reflection the death and resurrection of Christ, and then argues that the various expressions of Christianity today each express their own gifts in accordance with the Resurrection, whether they are Catholic . "The sexual act itself is a part of marriage & procreation. Her father became a Deacon and then went on to become a Pastor of his own church, Old Fashion Baptist Temple in Long Beach, CA. Location: Linder Road Church of Christ (1555 N Linder Road, Meridian, ID 83642) Meet Speakers Hotel Partner 2021 Lectureship Schedule THURSDAY: October 14 7:00 P.M. Congregational Singing 7:15 P.M. But intent doesnt guarantee success. 12 Reasons Why Baptism Is Not Essential For Salvation. Powered by Congregate, SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST gospel preachers today. What is the New Testament church? Walt Nilsson loves Jesus and helping people know and live in the grace of God. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. By taking note of their exemplary conduct, the student will be encouraged to follow Jesus and lead others in the way to eternal life. TGC Under Fire for Article Comparing Christ's Love to a Sexual Encounter. March 1, 2023. Our priority is to glorify God and extend His kingdom by living and proclaiming . Gospel Sermons That Save Souls, seven full sermon outlines that are suitable for Gospel Meetings or local evangelistic work. Take care to do the hard work of exegesis, showing how the gospel arises organically across the entire canon. 18th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2013. Send a Message; Ask a Question The Lectureship will be June 17, 2023 - June 22, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston. The man who denies the existence of Deity is not concerned with pleasing Him; neither does he fear displeasing Him. How sad that gospel meetings and lectureships are declining! More . Romans 10:10 With the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. The Houston Area Churches of Christ are excited to host the 2023 National Lectureship and look forward to fellowshipping with each of you. Before our worship service to the Lord begins, we take some time to welcome all our members and visitors, introduce ourselves, and update members on recent activities that have or will be undertaken by the congregation. We also take this time to identify opportunities for members to serve one another. Whether or not we believe God exists determines our conduct before Him. Old FashionedGospel Temple Ministries, Nevada(ClarkCounty) is made up of people who are simply believers in Christ who have chosen to come together to praise, worship, magnify and lift up the name of Jesus Christand you can be too! 21st Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2016. But it doesnt stop there: other elements are necessary to ensure a Christ-centered message. 26th Annual Lectureship (2015) "Out of Darkness, Into Light, Out of Atheism, Into Christianity" 2015-Lectureship. Should Christian Parents Send Their Children to Public Schools? (File size: 520k), For Christ And The Church. Plain Talk - Back Issues from a Paper that is no longer published (Robert Turner), Spiritual Quarterly - Getwell Church of Christ - Great Pub - by Paid Subscription, Focus Press Publications - (modern issues in science & what God has to say about it), Truth In Love Archives - Pulaski, TN Church of Christ - Some Great Back Issues!\, Truth In Love Lectureship Books - All Lectureships From 1992 To Present. More modern records of the influence that gospel meetings or revivals had will take our minds back to the eighteenth century when Jonathan Edwards preached his infamous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, or many of the other instances of revival preaching both here and abroad. Important questions concerning the nature of true worship and what is authorized as worship, and why, are answered. Below are links to free publications published by the Board of Publications for the Church of Christ. The Truth Shall Set You Free - David Lipe conducted a Gospel Meeting at the PBL church of Christ on March 3-6, 2019. As far as our concern for religiously educational purposes, in the summer of 1936, N. B. Hardeman wrote H. Leo Boles a letter to say that he was thinking about a lectureship program for preachers to run for four weeks to suit the needs of preachers whose opportunity to receive the rich benefits of a college education were denied. 25th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2021. Church Discipline, by Ed Dye. Christ Ordaining the Apostles (Christ Ordaining the Twelve Apostles) Christ Walking on the Water. The Lord has designed His plan of salvation with clear, straightforward instruction. 03-05-2020 - Eternal Truth Lecture Series - Live Stream - Cameron Freeman, Jonathan Burns March 3, 2020 Here, at the Vegas Drive Church of Christ, we work together as the local church, following the pattern set forth in the New Testament of the Bible. DAYS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH NOTICE OF CHANGE, EVERY FIRST & THIRD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH AT 1:00PM, 1871 N Walnut Rd #9, Las Vegas, NV 89115, USA, WE HAVE A CASH APP FOR YOU TO GIVE YOUR DONATION OR FOR YOU TO SEED INTO THIS MINISTRY, DATES, EVENTS, AND TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. United: Becoming One In Christ. 2 (2018) Isaiah 54: The Song of the Church of Christ, or People of Christ. How preachers motivate and empower their listeners to obedience determines whether their biblical exposition becomes a self-centered or Christ-centered sermon. The best decision you could ever, ever make. Pastor Ethel is a Cervical cancer survivor. All content 2012 Cold Harbor Road Church of Christ . Of course, the term lecture simply refers to a style of teachinga teacher publicly speaks to a group of students, of which the practice goes back hundreds of years, and is a common form of education in higher institutions of learning. Christ-centered preaching is motivational. ", 7:00 PM Tim Stevens,Congregational Singing, 7:30 PM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Are Nothing Like Jesus", 8:30 PM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Doubt", 9:30 AM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Don't Believe", 10:30 AM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Pharisees", 7:00 PM Tim Stevens,Congregational Singing, 7:30 PM Wilson Adams, "The Gospel At Home: Good News Marriage", 8:30 PM Tommy Peeler, "The Disaster and Destruction of Sin", 9:30 AM Wilson Adams, "The Gospel At Home: Raising the Next Generation", 10:30 AM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Suffer", 7:30 PM Tommy Peeler, "The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus", 8:30 PM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For the Desperate", 9:30 AM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Those Struggling to Keep It Together", 10:30 AM Tommy Peeler, "The Conversion of the Eunuch", 7:30 PM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Make a Defense", 8:30 PM Wilson Adams, "Pray BIG: Getting Out of Our Comfort Zone", Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Pastor Ethel Harper was saved at the age of 12 and grew up in a household where her Father and Mother and family served the Lord. Jen Wilkin and Jonathan Pennington share their arguments on whether parents should choose public schools for their children. Challenge - Online Publication battles Atheism, Evolution and deals with Moral Issues. When we become Christians, were united to Christ, indwelled by his Spirit, and empowered to new obedience (John 15:5; Gal. Michael Ramsey's modern classic The Gospel and the Catholic Church is as relevant today as it was when it was first published some 70 years ago. What does God say we must do to be reconciled with Him? Southeast Lectureship. We look forward to fellowshipping with each and everyone of you. We add to this the role that lectureships have placed throughout the years. This kind of natural belief wont save her and needs to be encouraged to become genuine, saving belief. The video links on our webpages (sermons, lectures, and Gospel meetings) will take you to the YouTube channel. Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.. Publishes "Discovery" for Kids. Friday Night Program. The Dreams And Visions Of The Prophet Daniel, 12 Reasons Why Baptism Is Not Essential For Salvation, Chart Package for Christ And The Church Lecture Series.
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