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The permit to possess live fox will expire on the last day of the fox-trapping season. (a) Authorization.--The commission may issue permits to persons to possess exotic wildlife which shall authorize the holder to purchase, receive or possess exotic wildlife from any lawful source from within or without this Commonwealth. Below are application forms for the initial permit and for subsequent renewal permits. In addition, individuals or businesses who buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, or transport or offer to transport, in commerce, warm-blooded animals to or from another dealer or exhibitor must be licensed as a dealer. This information must be provided or your application process will be delayed. Amended Nov. 17, 2018. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. City of Reading Animal Ordinance 141-204 Initial Permit ($75.00) . The links below provide information on various permits issued by the Wildlife Division of Texas Parks and Wildlife. Pet Fancier Permit Download the Pet Fancier Application A pet fancier may own, keep or possess on his or her property not more than six spayed or neutered dogs over one year of age or twelve spayed or neutered cats over eight months of age, or any combination thereof if the number of dogs does not exceed six and the combined number of animals does not exceed 12, provided that the pet fancier . PERMIT required for exotic wildlife (birds and mammals only). for a License or Registrationpage. He is (3) Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense, but, under no circumstances, shall the accumulated penalty for purposes of a field receipt exceed $300. Thank you for your interest in Pennsylvania wildlife. To access updated State guidelines, go to Disease Management Area--Any geographic area of this Commonwealth influenced by a positive case of CWD and targeted by the Commission for CWD management activities. Celebrating 125 Years. Permits are issued at the discretion of the executive director, who is supposed to consider whether the animal would pose a threat to other wildlife, the public, or to New Hampshire's ecosystem if released. 2023 Michigan State University College of Law. (4) Menagerie permittees who also possess a USDA Class C Exhibitor permit and who operate a menagerie facility as their primary means of making a livelihood, are exempt from the possession prohibition of this section, and may import lawfully acquired wildlife pursuant to an importation permit. USDA FAQ's and resources about coronavirus (COVID-19). 1-877-PAREADING Select the one you need and click it's link. This application is free of charge, no security deposit is required, and it must be filed within 30 days of the planned event.Other documents must be submitted with your application, including: If you are looking to reserve a park pavilion, playground or a field house, go to or call Lizette Pizarro 610-655-6201; e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. However, this permit is easily obtainable, and exotic pet ownership is more popular in the state as a result. The commission after issuing the permit shall enforce such regulations. Indiana Pet Fox Let an animal control officer inspect your home to make sure the animals are being kept in safe and livable conditions. This page requires Javascript. Restricted Species Permits are required for every person who imports, exports, transports, or possesses any restricted animal listed in Section 671(c), Title 14, of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) (PDF) (opens in new tab). PERMIT (Commercial wildlife breeders license) required to buy and resell live rattlesnakes. An animal may not be chained or tethered, or otherwise impeded from moving freely within a cage or enclosure unless otherwise indicated on the permit. Part III. to amend the code of laws of south carolina, 1976, by adding chapter 2 to title 47 so as to enact the "exotic animal and reptile control and regulation act", to define the term "exotic animal"; to prohibit a person from owning or possessing an exotic animal unless the person was in legal possession of the animal before this act's effective date . (a) General. next to a field to show supplementary information. Companion Animal Hospital for cats, dogs, and exotic pets and wildlife (3) An application for an importation permit shall state the name and address of the applicant, name and address of the person supplying the wildlife, the common and scientific name and the number of wildlife to be covered by the permit, the purpose for which the wildlife is being imported, the qualifications of the applicant to use the wildlife for the stated purpose and the location where the wildlife will be housed or retained. The cost of the permit varies depending on the type of animal you want to own. City of Reading, PA. All Rights Reserved. (a) It is unlawful for a person to possess live wildlife taken from a wild state within this Commonwealth except: (1) A permit to possess no more than five live foxes may be issued to a person for the sole purpose of collecting fox urine. (vii) Prohibit any new permits to possess or transport live cervids. Purchase, sale, barter and trade of along with the take, catch, possession for sale of fish, reptiles and amphibians LIMITED TO those species specifically authorized for sale. (2) Any other violation of this section is a summary offense of the fifth degree. Reading Fire Dept. Include statement from permitted General or Master Falconer indicating they will be your sponsor. (a)In addition to definitions in sections 102 and 2961 of the act (relating to definitions), the following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: Must release after banding or send injured to rehabilitator or dispose of it, Scientific Collecting Permits (collect birds and mammals for public museum exhibition or scientific study or school instruction) BANS sale or barter, Propagation Permit (propagate captive bred game and wild birds and animals for sale), INCLUDES: pheasants ordinarily for stocking or shooting including Chinese, Japanese, Formosan and Mongolian Ringneck, English Blackneck, Melanistic Mutant and Versi color, Raptor Propagation Permit (propagate raptors), New applicants after 1/1/2009 BANNED from exotic wildlife dealer, exotic wildlife possession, menagerie, or propagation permit, Educational Use of Rehabilitation Wildlife Permit (nonreleaseable animals used for education), Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator Permit (take, transport or release nuisance animals for another or for hire), Protected Mammals wild mammals not furbearers (includes coyote and porcupine) or game, Game Birds includes Eurasian collared-dove, EXEMPT: take and possession for falconry (BANS purchase, sale, barter), capture and sale of game or wildlife under permit, sale of the tanned, cured or mounted heads or skins of game or wildlife not killed in wild, sale or purchase of inedible part within 90 days after season close, Permit to collect wild fox urine (must be euthanized after), Must meet sanitation and housing for foxes, PERMIT (Threatened or Endangered Species Permits) issued for certain purposes, ALSO NEED: certificate of veterinary inspection, EXEMPT: mallard ducks, ringneck pheasant, bobwhite quail, chukar partridge and Hungarian partridge for dog hunting or training, Reptile Propagator (reptiles, amphibians, other), EXEMPT: hobby breeders (gross annual sales <$1000), LIMITED TO: approved species under the Bureau of Fisheries, Sales require receipt - lasts 15 days except stocking in regulated fishing area along with ornamental, aquarium and baitfish which can be held by dealers until disposed of, Reptile Dealer (reptiles, amphibians, other), EXEMPT: those registered for artificial propagation, Game fish - Brook, brown, and rainbow trout; salmon family (Salmoidae); walleye; chain pickerel; northern pike; muskellunge; fallfish; smallmouth, largemouth, rock and striped bass; crappies (Pomoxis); yellow perch; suckers (Catostomidae); eels; chubs (Semotilus and Nocomis) at least 8; sturgeon; white perch; and others except bait fish, Fish bait - crayfish or crabs, mussels, clams and nymphs, larvae and pupae of all insects with all or part life cycle in the water, Bait fish minnows (Cyprinidae) except carp and goldfish; Suckers, chubs, fallfish, lampreys and eels less than 8; darters, killifishes and madtoms, Amphibians - frogs, toads and salamanders and others, Aquatic organism - plant or animal that grows or lives in or upon the water, SALE FISH, REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS (FISH & BOAT), approved fish species from propagator or dealer of live aquatic animals if captive born, non-flesh fish parts or roe from cleaning station, retail sale by pet shops or dealers if captive bred, import, sale and purchase of weakfish less than 13 and tautog less than 15, import and transport of horseshoe crab for wholesale or retail sale, possess, propagate, transport and introduce grass carp into state waters except triploid, import of tropical fish not considered dangerous to native or people, stocking farm ponds or licensed fee fishing ponds from commercial fishery stock except goldfish, golden orfe or nonnative, dealers of American eels must report numbers bought and sold, sale of VHS-susceptible species of fish from portion of Lake Erie watershed to another one AND from VHS-affected or VHS-at risk state must meet sale requirements in section above and must be from group with negative test or artificial propagation facility with negative test, sale of VHS-susceptible species from VHS-affected or VHS-at risk region must meet 73.3(d), purchase of fish taken from Lake Erie waters must come from commercial license, GRANDFATHERED: ones owned 1/1/07 in excess of new limits if permit obtained, EXEMPT: those with other permission or permit, sponsors of organized reptile/amphibian hunt with permit if total number held in possession during each hunt does not exceed the daily limit x registered participants (possess only take limits still apply), zoos and other accredited institutions for scientific, educational or research purposes, taxidermists, recognized rehabilitators, licensed pest control agents with written permission (possession), Need inventory and annual change report in numbers, Artificially propagated by propagators and dealers registered with Department of Agriculture (possession), Killing venomous reptiles to protect people from immediate harm or death (BANS possession), must report to Natural Diversity Section Chief in 5 business days, Snapping Turtle Permit (take snapping turtles for sale, trade or barter), Venomous Snake Permit (hunt, take, catch, kill or possess timber rattlesnakes or Eastern copperheads), Report required within 10 days of capture or kill or 10 days after season if none, Must complete tag attached to permit and fill out and keep with snake after take or kill, Organized Reptile and Amphibian Hunt Permit (sponsors of hunt events), Need report filled out for each reptile and amphibian presented for entry and submitted within 10 days after event, Provisional Timber Rattlesnake Permit (take or possess 1 timber rattlesnake without tagging it during hunt), LIMITED TO: venomous snake permits registered in hunt, Must return by sunset of final day of hunt, hand, hook and line, snake hook or tongs, turtle hook, trap/net < 4 square or 4 diameter, Frogs also allows long bows and arrow, including compound bows, crossbows, spears or gigs, American Bullfrog and green frog (10 combined/day and possess 20 combined), Common snapping turtle (take 15/day and possess 30), Timber rattlesnake (1 rattlesnake or copperhead/year except hunts), must be 42+ long excluding rattle and 21+ subcaudal scales, BANNED: west of Route 15 and south of Interstate 81 to MD line, Eastern Copperhead (1 rattlesnake or copperhead/year except hunts), Unlisted species other than threatened and endangered (take 1/day and possess 1), Must be on approved list (1 for open systems and 1 for closed systems), constructed and operated to prevent escape (usually indoors), written plan for containing or recovering escapees in case of failure, notify both departments immediately of escape, EXEMPT: zoos or other accredited institutions for scientific, educational or research purposes and recognized rehabilitators with written permission, released within 30 days at point of capture from May 1 to Sep 1 and in good health and no contact with others, release of approved species artificially propagated by registered propagator with open system, NEED initial inventory for numbers of 12/31/06 by 1/31/07 and current inventory sent by annual report, SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL FISH COLLECTING (FISH & BOAT), PERMIT issued for special purposes if no adverse impacts on wild species populations, is in best interest to protect, conserve and manage the species, AND necessary and appropriate for public health or safety OR promotes essential research or public education and information, Crayfish except for use as bait on waters taken or testing, scientific purposes, or restaurant consumption with escape preventions and documentation of point of origin and destination, Domestic animal - equine animal, bovine animal, sheep, goat, pig, dog or cat, Wild animal any animal other than domestic animal, INCLUDES: bats, foxes, skunks, raccoons and rodents and any animal other than domestic animals (equine, bovine, sheep, goat, pig, dog or cat), IMPORT AND INTRASTATE MOVEMENT (AGRICULTURE), Animal = equine or bovine animal, sheep, goat, pig, dog or cat and any wild animal under domestication, Wild animal = mammal or bird other than domestic animal, Wild animals under domestication or in custody - report of number and species within 10 days and available for inspection, Game preserve sheep need dipping slip 10 days prior unless from scabies-free areas, Birds (i.e. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; LIST: See 58 Pa. Code 133.21 & 133.41 for official lists, (34 PA Statutes 2167, 2924; 58 Pa. Code 133.21, 133.41, 147.81). 137.34 . While the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) enforces the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and regulates the import of many animals into the United States, we do not regulate the ownership of animals, including exotic and wild animals, as pets. A Class A license is issued to dealers who sell animals that are bred and raised at their facility in a closed or stable colony. This will allow you extra time to complete required document attachments before submitting your application. The phrase includes, but is not limited to, all bears, coyotes, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, cougars, wolves and any crossbreed of these animals which have similar characteristics in appearance or features. This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate thats been signed by the U.S. government. Adopted Apr. Step 2 Your health care provider must complete the back of the Non-Commercial Learner's Permit Application or DL-180 (PDF). var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Permit Category abbreviations are as follows: Note: A Scientific Collecting Permit is required to handle or attempt to handle native wildlife for the purpose of surveys, sampling, tagging, or species identification. Who is the Game Commission? A person with a commercial business that moves animals from one location to another is considered a transporter under the Animal Welfare Act and must be registered with the USDA. Chronic Wasting Disease and emergency authority of Director. Latest NewsJob Opportunities, QUICK LINKS IIZoning & PlanningPay a BillBuilding & Trades CodesOffice of the MayorCity Council Chronic Wasting Disease restrictions. information. If you are importing a pet dog or cat, please do not apply for an import permit and contact theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)for requirements. (c) Nothing in this section prevents zoological gardens from importing wildlife. Events must comply with mask-wearing per state orders and applicable safety requirements. Pay $55 each year to renew the permit. Javascript is disabled in this browser. The Executive Director has the authority to designate and publish a list of current CWD-endemic states and Canadian provinces and Disease Management Areas established within this Commonwealth. . Adopted July 3, 1971; Amended Sept. 1, 1979; Amended July 11, 1981; Amended Sept. 18, 1982; Amended Sept. 17, 1983; Reserved July 1, 1987. All fees must be submitted with the hard copy application. The Animal Litter permit must be bought no later than 1 week after the litter is born and is only good for six months. to contact these people prior to issuance of an exotic animal possession permit to ascertain the level of competence and experience possessed by the applicant regarding the care of the aforementioned species. PERMIT (Scientific Collectors Permit) issued to collect fish in state waters for scientific and educational research and collecting activities. Application process and costs: Contact 311 to apply for a permit. All families of nonhuman primates. Exotic wildlife. The phrase includes, but is not limited to, all bears, coyotes, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, cougars, wolves and any crossbreed of these animals which have similar characteristics in appearance or features. A wild animal possession permit is required for Class I animals (eastern cottontail rabbit, gray squirrel, fox squirrel, southern flying squirrel) Class II animals (beaver, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk, weasel) and Class III animals: wolves (purebred), bears, wild cats (excluding feral cats), venomous reptiles A person wishing to import lawfully acquired wildlife, or parts thereof, shall first obtain an importation permit from the Commission. Contact the department directly for more information and an application. Game. Adopted July 1, 1978; Amended Apr. thetime of the veterinary inspection. Puppies or kittens may be sold privately in the city of Albuquerque only if the owner has an Intact Animal Permit which costs $150 and a Companion Animal Litter Permit ($150). Exotic wildlife dealer. Any person who imports into this Commonwealth, possesses, buys, sells, locates or finds for a fee, barters, donates, gives away or otherwise disposes of more than one bird or one animal classified as exotic wildlife by this subchapter. Chronic Wasting Disease and emergency authority of Director. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. When you have completed the form, fax it along with the current CVI (s) to (608) 224-4871 or scan both documents and email them to ILLEGAL METHODS: firearm, chemicals, smoke, explosive, winch, jack, other devices that destroy habitatSEASONS AND LIMITS: REGISTRATION with Department of Agriculture required to artificially propagate or deal in reptiles and amphibians. (2) Transfer injured, nontargeted wildlife to a licensed rehabilitator or a Commission officer for disposition. (c) Unlawful acts.--It is unlawful for any person to: (1) Import into this Commonwealth, possess, buy, sell, locate or find for a fee, barter, donate, give away or otherwise dispose of more than one bird or one animal classified as exotic wildlife in any calendar year without first securing a permit issued under this section. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections Fish and Wildlife Program issues a variety of permits pertaining to exotic and nongame wildlife species.
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