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And murder begat murder as a cycle of vengeance burned through their throng. A monologue from Marie LaVeau and the Vampire by Rosary O'Neill (Female, Dramatic, 20s - 50s) Marie LaVeau and the Vampire is a mystery/comedy about the voodoo priestess Marie LaVeau and the band of spirits that try to kill her. Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus-violating plungers and their 41 shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 11. Give me a fucking break. What do you do? The lowest levels are: Useless Henchman (many failures) and Henchman. You can use the evil villain generator for creating original characters for movies and comics. We love it for Evil Villain content, blogs and articles. I will. !, Im an angel. So I poisoned the entire delegation. They never pass the ball, they dont want to play defense, they take five steps on every layup to the hoop, and then they want to turn around and blame everything on the white man. Ahaha. Here's his Villain Speech, delivered to Van Heflin as Joe Starrett with Starrett's 8-year-old son, played by Brandon deWilde, looking on (I'm paraphrasing from memory): RYKER. Nat 20. This is the " Random Villain Generator" module. You betray our trust! The PCs had gone to the Netherworld to rescue one of their teammates from the clutches of a demon prince, and succeeded with great difficulty. How much you make? But, more recently, Aaron . 5. His ears I fried and fed to my dogs. (Doubly true as I have moved on to flaming, flesh-eating-bacteria-infected mosquitos. Then the corpuscles of your blood will rebel and attack your own flesh. We had potato sack races. Don't forget to share your evil villain with the sharing buttons. But my parents never knew what horrors the priests inflicted upon the innocents. They are difficult to control. I will Youre the diet coke of evil. You frown and scowl. Blake (Alec Baldwin) in Glengarry Glen Ross: *That watch costs more than you car. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. - Mobile devices: It really depends on the brand and type of device, so you'll probably have to Google it for your specific device. One of my favorite things to write is an evil monologue. I tried to destroy my husbands life. Find a character or situation that you can relate too. In fact, I am a man out of time you might say. My [brother/sister/nephew/niece] usurped my title, had me banished, and branded a traitor. I didnt know. 2 Minute 26 Year Old Bar Mitzvah Boy Monologue, 2 Minute Ate the Divorce Papers Monologue, 2 Minute Breaking Up with Brandon Monologue, 2 Minute Honey I'm a Leprechaun Monologue, The Roadrunner Never Looks Down Monologue, Most Frightening Wonderful Thing Monologue. You see, Father, by creating a little destruction, Im in fact encouraging life. Join For Free Now!! He is usually engaging in blackmail of scientific leaders to achieve his goals. Job description: The People Freer is an action-packed fantasy fiction game where the player assumes the role of a rough-around-the-edges hero who frees villages from their capture and impending doom. Hes a tight-ass! Every man, woman, and child. I am the sun that will ignite the fire without a second thought. That kinda stuff is great in books, but boring for players. It also helps guide you through a 10-week writing plan that will get your script actually finished. They are sort of a genre expectation. If you want to use Facebook Comments, you can leave them here: How to Create an Evil Villain For a Story. I gave her my trust and she stabbed me in the back. Personally I would have to say the best Villianous Monologues are the ones where, at the end you start to realize that maybe he has a point, and isnt a caricature of evil. Cannibalism. He was touched by my generosity, but also worried. Do we not have ten fingers? So into bondage I sent them all. Tiamat, the Undying Queen, the Bane of Bahamut will, through me, return to rule. Sold me up the river. Only the chosen shall remain to repopulate the lands you leave behind. Another fan favorite hero, Captain America, brings the next of our superhero monologues. This unethical super-villain has insect powers, and is spurred onward by power-lust. They are the incarnation of Evil or Chaos, being the antagonists of the heroes or protagonist player characters. Okay, fine, he's probably more of an anti-hero. In delving into the very nature and fabric of existence, I have created the most powerful, most awful, and most singularly destructive object ever to exist on the Material Plane: The Sphere of Annihilation! Four emotion adjectives (e.g. Connie Brockway. A fire so total that there were no survivors. I call it destruction. Try the Evil Villain Quiz. So one day, I cooked all the potatoes in the house, made a giant shepherds pie, and gave it to a local homeless shelter. I would give examples but I wanted to get your brain working. The evil villain generator generates evil villains with a plot and cause of death. Months later, the same demon breached the barriers between dimensions and came through with a legion of minions. They are my Regalia of Power! Loving kindness meditation is where you try to evoke feelings of safety and comfort and friendliness and love toward yourself and others. In the game I'm currently running there have been several campaigns in the same world with my players using the same characters. And when they got rid of Frank Underwood, they just had his replacement do it as well. What a lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color. villain monologue generator. The king wanted peace and prosperity, but he had slighted my father once. Simply choose the type of villain you want to create (Warlock or Long/Distance Combatant), its power level and press "Generate". you have doomed this land in your hubrace, and your definition of good. I did this to people I did no know or hold any ill will toward. This I did for curiosity. We have him do it several times, each time changing the story. And I knew the fastest way to rise in power and influence was through war. Here's mine (Adapted from a novel called The Madness of Angels): I offered you wealth, property, money. And only then will the full brilliance and awful power of my exquisite plan be truly revealed. This shows how mighty he once was, but it also shows that he's no longer on top of the Empire State Building. Often, we see the heroes getting the bulk of the work, but when an antagonist gets to shine, you know you're having fun. This mystical super-villain is an android, and is driven by hatred. Bring your character to life by using this tool. He goes on about rats, questioning the farmer on why there is such instant disdain for the rodent. When I think about potatoes, tHats my happy place. Nope, I said but I was thinking Yes, for you to feel a fraction of the love for me that you feel for potatoes.. Tweet. Nevertheless, I think hearing him quote the Bible to strike fear into someone and simultaneously show us he's a man of faith helps deepen the character and show us why he changes over the course of the film. Get a fucking job. It was the middle of winter so my players all think he died. Deep within the cave I found the remains of a warrior. And their fiery blood flowed and flowed melting rock until it emerged on the surface. The generator is a tool to generate random supervillains Characters. Well let me show you what you have wrought!" The Joker and Batman In The Dark Knight. Yes, a cataclysm. What about another very famous one? Writing is all about the choices you make. you can use them to tell the backstory, to show what drives them, or even to subvert audience expectations. Primary Concerns. When you are happy with your evil villain, press Copy to copy the details to your device. Here are 15 Disney Villains Who Actually Killed Someone. Fast or slow? That was me. My soldiers could not capture them nor crush them in battle for they would escape into the forests. Gender: Male or Female. shoving me in the fucking woods You got me! 7. *Mamet manages to turn profanity into an art form. Scar ( The Lion King) One of Disney's most angsty and melodramatic villains, Scar is responsible for one of the most heartbreaking deaths. party, holiday, funeral) Mark Rydell as Marty Augustine in The Long Goodbye. He rolls with it after trying to persuade the Ranger to retcon so he can finish the dialogue. With a potato. No way! Self-styled masters of the universe. Perhaps you have heard of death by impalement? Find a monologue that fits you and your experiences. You will bow before me or feel the might of the Sword of Kas! He can be a magical being, so he prioritizes spell casting; a melee combatant, who prefers short distances; or a ranged combatant, who prefers to attack his enemies with projectiles. Maybe the last humanist. Watch the Trailer Here! Our Ranger immediately sets his crossbow. In a campaign some years back, my forces were opposed by a group of highwaymen and brigands terrorists that called themselves the Green Hand. Michael Douglas-Gordon Gekko wannabe motherfuckers figuring out new ways to rob hard-working people blind. It will take as long as it takes, and with each effort my plans have become more refined. These are my enemies. Are you auditioning for a comedy? Hes a SADIST! Another great one comes from Jules in Pulp Fiction. Congratulations on being the creator of a new Evil Plan (tm)! And for this supposed crime I have been plagued with nightmares of such hideous and vivid quality that even a single instant would drive you mad. Once two of my rivals were in dispute over control of a fertile valley. Do the animals and creatures of the wild not have a right to live in peace? If you're searching for villain names, this villain name generator was built to be a starting point for you. He turns to Marlowe and says, Thats someone I love. Elegant. Fuck the priests who put their hands down some innocent childs pants. Youre so wrong. A portal. Add your Evil Villain Generator comments here. When it was my husbands time to meditate and he couldnt find his potatoes, I told him I wanted to share the happiness of potatoes with the homeless. He was pissed. Who, in their right mind Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mineALL OF IT KEVIN!! You dare mention that before me. This module can be used to create villains and antagonists for any role-playing game such as: D&D 5e, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, GURPS, Aquelarre, and any other game set in medieval fantasy. 5. Though it may take a lifetime, I will have what is mine restored to me. Before the battle commenced, he offered the following to the wide-eyed party: "Poor little children, afraid and alone, Trying their hardest, to unreap what I've sown. From the animals you hunt, to the plants you walk upon, to the tiniest bacteria underneath your fingernails, that you kill without a second thought. Hang the traitor! There's no shortage to the number of ways in which doom can befall a person or entire village, either and we built this mystery plot generator to illuminate a few of them. Nah. Here are one hundred different ways you can show that your main villain is a little deeper and more complex than the players might have originally thought. I have scoured the land and delved deep into the earth. I will hin- So imagine what I will do to those who dare oppose me! This is what I do to those who dare say, "No" to me. In Negative Energy, Rose is completely against having her roommate's sister Meagan live with them temporarily which sparks this monologue. Whyd you sell us out, Burke? I sold you out? A fire so total that there were no survivors. The best recent example is Nicholsons You cant handle the truth from a few good men. Why do you ask? Fuck the Puerto Ricans. Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach. Fuck you! Six adjectives to describe somebody's character. I will expand this tool to include statistics for heroes, regular NPCs and a whole bunch more in the future, so stay tuned. Holding a potato, looking lovingly at a potato. And name what creature more terrifies the kingdoms of this world than the Tarrasque! Steal my treasure? They failed to kill him and he escaped by jumping through this huge stained glass window (depicting a beautiful dragon in flight) into a river. You scorn my attempts at virtue; because You choose for Your in- He drops to the ground and immediately teleports. All for a single clue towards this powerful artifact that I now hold in my arsenal. You have no understanding of what my people lost, but after today you'll begin to feel but a fraction of our pain. I'm kind of in the "don't monologue more than five or six sentences" camp, though. No exit. The Eye of Acheron has been of the greatest help. All for a single clue towards this powerful artifact that I now hold in my arsenal. I like playing the villain. ", (I cant believe I still dont own The Fifth Element). The more victories, the more powerful he will be and the more influence he will have. The aim of these writing prompts is to help with dialogue writing. Youre quasi-evil. Our greatest scholars tell us that the celestial bodies we see in the sky are fixed and unmovable from their circuit across the firmament. The program can be boiled down to a User-Input Creation Generator, which uses Python with the Flask microframework Interface to create a website that asks the user to inputs a word and outputs a randomized sentence that imitates something you would find within a villian`s monologue.
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