10u baseball pitching ruleswhy is skippyjon jones banned
1.02. Players born on/after May 1, 2015are eligible. 3.03. No "butcher boy" allowed (Show bunt, pull back to swing). There are no pitching rules or limitations at 13u, 14u, 15u, 16u, 17u, or . If the act continues after the warning, the offending teams manager shall be ejected. A league shall consist of a minimum eight (8) game schedule. The Ball. Non-starters are not allowed to re-enter. Batters can advance to first base on a dropped 3rd strike and infield fly rule will apply. Batter may not run on dropped 3rd strike. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2012 to be eligible. A pitcher that pitches in a game and records no outs is not charged with any innings pitched. A runner leaving early will result in a dead ball. Awards and Coach Suspensions: If an owner / user chooses to submit a suspected altered bat to the USSSA Altered Bat Committee or Manufacturer no awards may be given to the team until the bat is determined not to be altered. (Chart 7.05.B-1) The end of the day for the purpose of this rule shall be the time of day or night when the ballpark is shut down and the teams go home for the night break. Additionally, if a team is batting their entire lineup, the courtesy runner will be the last batted out. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> A batted ball must go past this line to be a fair ball. The use of ANY tobacco or any electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, vape pens or atomizers shall be prohibited by all participants (including but not limited to players, manager, coaches, umpires) within the confines of the playing field and dugouts. This division is offered as an option to the major division format, and includes a tournament trail from District competition through the World Series. To eliminate scoring disputes scorekeepers should check with the official scorer during and after the game. All-Star Program: All-Star is a playing level for actual All-Star teams formed from USSSA Sanctioned Leagues. For example, even if the only graphics that have worn off are not Key Graphic Information and are only items such as the patent no., a manufacturer logo, or the approval mark of another association, the bat should be removed from play for being too worn. All Playing equipment shall not contain undue commercialization of the product. Once returned from the manufacturer, these bats will have updated model numbers and new orange end cap and stickers indicating the corrected performance standards. school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 7th grade who turn 14 years old before May 1st, 2023. 8.11. c. 8U Machine Pitch: 46/60 (42 MPH) d. 9U and 10U: 46/65 e. 11U and 12U: 50/70 f. 13U: 54/80 g. 14U: 60/90 . Subsequent violations: batter is pronounced out (if discovered before a pitch to next batter) and head coach is ejected. Note: No special requests will be honored if rescheduling becomes necessary. The bases are 70 feet apart in the Majors division for players 12 and under. 8.19, The game is over, when the opposing team is mathematically eliminated from scoring enough runs to win or tie the game. Protests shall be allowed for age and pitching violations or rule interpretations only. The defensive player being hit for can also re-enter the game one time if subbed for. No changes at this time for Fall 2022/Spring/Summer 2023. 13U NTIS. the home team has scored more runs after two and one half (2 1/2) innings the game shall be declared a complete game. Sat 12:15 PM. A player ejected while roster batting will result in the team losing that player for the entire game. All 10U Leagues, except 10U A. Compression Testing: Failure of a USSSA approved compression testing device test shall result in the offending bat being removed from play for the duration of the tournament or league game but no longer without the permission of the owner / user such as in the case of an allowed USSSA altered bat determination pursuant to USSSA Rule 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2. The exception would be if there were tournament games during the week. If a team plays with an eight (8) player line-up, an out shall be declared for the ninth (9th) position in the batting line-up each turn at bat. Players are responsible for their equipment and must not use equipment that is even potentially illegal for use in USSSA sanctioned play. The defensive player listed as the pitcher shall not leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2012 to be eligible. 1st violation - Batter is pronounced out (if discovered before a pitch to next batter) & head coach is restricted to the dugout for the remainder of the game. No runners may advance from the last base legally occupied at the time of the illegal act. No specific weight/length ratio limit. are not legal for Perfect Game sanctioned events. Championship Round/Playoffs: The owner and / or user may either: Withhold the bat from inspection and accept an immediate two-year (automatic life time for second time offenders pursuant to USSSA Rule 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2) suspension from USSSA sanctioned activities with no right to appeal; or, 13.02.C.1(b). x\mSHNa>mWa_Ru@+6`C\8fI/{$F K*+~g|z=4'{|3mp6dfz?Og{OWst2'hD(^pb7zwmp"\z{a#A.sywg#`K]x9i7F}@C4:="u,JE&1+Hf(OukDT-zrr::wFxr|UXAiF d The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. Bats that are damaged in any way, including but not limited to cracked, warped, missing a knob/cap, having a rattle, etc. In the event during bracket play that both teams are seeded the same, we will have coin flip. A regulation game consists of six (6) innings for age divisions 4U 12U and seven (7) innings for age divisions 13U and older, unless the game is: Extended because the score is tied after the completion of the regulation number of innings, in which case, play shall continue until the visiting team has scored more total runs than the home team at the end of a completed inning, or the home team scores the winning run in an uncompleted inning. Rule 9.00 - Machine Pitch Specific Rules 10 Rule 10.00 - T-Ball Specific Rules 10 Rule 11.00 - 7U & 8U Kid Pitch Specific Rules 11 Rule 12.00 - Drafted League and All-Stars 11 Rule 13.00 - Safety Rules 12 Rule 14.00 - Sportsmanship 14 Rule 15.00 - Umpires 14 Rule 16.00 - Protests 14 Rule 17.00 - Global Baseball 14 Rule 18.00 . Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the parent and the athlete to ensure that the player follows the . In addition to any other penalties pursuant to USSSA Rules, any coach or manager of a youth team that has more than one suspension imposed on his players in connection with USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and /or 13.02.C.2 may be suspended from all USSSA activities for any time period, including life. A called balk will remain a LIVE ball. players can ever bat in another batting position. school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 5th grade who turn 12 years old before May 1st, 2023. Regardless of the number of players you have. This decision is up to the individual player. Rule 8.11.A Approved Ruling: A ninth (9th) & tenth (10th) player and all subsequent players may be added to the bottom of the batting line-up as soon as they become available. Bat / ball boys / girls under the age of eighteen (18) shall not be permitted. If a foreign substance is discovered as being used or identifying marks on the bat are not visible the bat shall be removed from play. For any player to be eligible, they must be listed on the ELIGIBLE PLAYERS list on their teams online Roster. Special base running rules are also in effect. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his free foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber. This will allow both teams to have a fair and even shot at getting unlimited runs in their last at bat. Texas Twelve 10u Gold - Victoria. The home team in Championship Play will be the higher seed except when there is no seeding. Each State Director shall adopt an acceptable system to qualifying teams for State Championship and / or World Series participation. A Pitcher shall pitch to one batter, until the batter is put out, or reaches 1st base, or the inning is over. The tournament committee will rule on all forfeits. Infield fly rules do not apply. If an individual uses an altered bat in USSSA sanctioned play or is the owner of an altered bat that is brought into a USSSA facility, the suspensions pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2 shall be imposed without regard to what the individual actually knew about the altered bat. RULE 3.00 INDIVIDUAL PLAYER & TEAM ELIGIBILITY. After 4 complete innings, a tie score will be recorded a tie in pool play. Time does not have to be called by the defense for the purpose of this rule. When a batted ball hits the Pitching Coach, the following shall apply: If in the Umpires judgment, the coach did not make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the batter is declared out and no runners shall advance. Foreign substances included among other substances, pine tar, stick-em type products and even dirt or mud, but only if the substance adds to the thickness of the barrel or covers Key Graphic Information such as the USSSA 1.15 BPF mark, the serial number of the bat, the model or manufacturer name, official softball, etc. Play continues until one team is ahead at the end of an inning. Home About Us Resources Franchise Renewal Scholarships Rules & Regulations Child Protection Plan DYB Online Store DYB Newsletters Tournaments DYB Insurance State Websites 2023 World Series Submit League Rosters. A runner leaving his feet to avoid a fielder that is either in possession of the ball or in the act of fielding is illegal. For example, while bats shall surely get dirt on them under normal use and may have pine tar added to the grip, if the dirt or pine tar obscures Key Graphic Information or adds to the thickness of the bat, such bats cannot be used in USSSA play until the dirt or pine tar has been removed to the extent necessary to make all such Key Graphic Information readable and the bat not have increased thickness. Metal cleats cannot be worn for divisions 12U and younger. A runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate. Teams may use free substitution on defense, but the batting order shall remain the same. Violation of such an oath shall result in permanent suspension from all USSSA activities. Any player, coach, manager, sponsor, fan, spectator, director, or officer who engages in physical fighting. The player, parents and managers could face suspension. The bat has had the surface of the barrel or the taper changed in any way such as by addition of graphics, painting, repainting, removal of bat material or paint by any means including but not limited to sandpapering or applying a solvent to the surface such as fingernail polish remover or by any other means. 8U Division Players who turn 9 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. Eligible players shall compete in a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the scheduled league games. If no players not presently in the line-up are available, the courtesy runner shall be the player making the last batted out. If the last pitch is fouled, the batter gets an additional pitch. Championship games will be played with regular extra innings through the 9th inning. Altered Bat: An Altered Bat is a bat that has had its physical structure changed, including, but not limited to: The bat has had the surface of the barrel or the taper changed in any way such as by addition of graphics, painting, repainting, removal of bat material or paint by any means including but not limited to sandpapering or applying a solvent to the surface such as fingernail polish remover or by any other means. AGE DIVISION ONE DAY MAXIMUM TO PITCH Players who turn 15 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. ONE DAY MAXIMUM: The maximum number of innings a player can legally pitch in one (1) day. The fee shall be returned only if the protest is upheld. 7.01.G. 9U-10U: All games will be played on 46x65 fields. The teams manager is responsible for all aspects of the eligibility of the players on his team and that they meet the requirements. All-Star teams may be chosen by any method. Run spreads for all games: 12 runs after 3 innings; 8 runs after 4 innings. Fake bunts shall be prohibited. . Descending (more than 2 teams tied, skip this tie breaker) 5) Avg. 1/2018) 1. A game not completed before the night break pursuant to USSSA Rules 7.03.D shall be a suspended game. A protest may be filed at any point after the pitcher in violation records any out beyond his legal limit AND while the pitcher in violation is in the game as the pitcher of record. Bases 60' b. Pitcher's Mound 46' 2. ONLYTWOschool grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 1st grade who turn 8 years old before May 1st, 2023. After the Director, Altered Bat Committee and Manufacturer examination of a bat to determine if it is altered have all been completed, or upon the decision of the owner / user to not allow further inspection of the bat pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2, the bat shall be returned to the owner. Additional NFHS 9U & 10U Rule Exceptions Pitchers Line: There shall be a line drawn from the pitchers circle to the safety arc. Rule 7.05.B.1 7.05.B.7 Penalty: Any violation shall result in immediate forfeiture of the game. Directors will always rule in the fairest possible way. An at bat cannot end on a foul ball. 13.02.C.9(b), No bat is legal for USSSA sanctioned play, if any of the graphics of the bat have worn off. Pitch Hit & Run DYB Youth Baseball Announces Partnership With TeamPass DYB Online Store . 10U Division Shortened because the home team needs none of its half of the last inning or only a fraction of it to win. In double elimination brackets, the highest seeded team shall be the home team until the championship game. Players shall only appear on one (1) Official Online League Roster. Be sure you are aware of all rules and rule changes. The Shamrock Spectacular I ( 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM) is a USSSA Fast Pitch event in Wilkes Barre, PA and will be held from 03/11/2023 to 03/11/2023 If a runner slides feet first, at least one leg and buttock shall be on the ground prior to contact with the fielder. Players born on/after May 1, 2014are eligible. A team may score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning. When there is no seeding, the home team will be determined by a coin flip. Pool play overall record (winning percentage), If two teams are tied -Head to Head winner. In addition to the player being suspended for unsportsmanlike conduct, coaches of youth teams may also be so suspended when their players attempt to bat with such bats. All bats must have a branding, label, or stamp proving BPF 1.15, and length/weight ratio vary by division. Outs recorded during a game that ends in forfeit shall count towards a pitchers innings limits. Additional Penalty: If a coach violates this rule before the ball is pitched, First Offense: Warning; Second Offense: Removal of coach as the pitcher for the remainder of the game. For example, if the end cap is in any way loose or appears damaged, the bat should be removed from play for being a damaged bat. Custom Bats: No approved manufacturer may make a custom USSSA bat for a player or a team. Game 3 Sat 12:15 PM. Players who turn 10 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. The pitching coach shall position himself as not to be an obstruction to the defensive team on any possible play once the ball has been hit. If in the Umpires judgment, the coach did make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the ball becomes dead and a no-pitch is declared. Courtesy runner for catcher only. If warranted, the offending party shall be ejected from the game at the discretion of the Umpires and / or the League / Tournament Director. Players shall only physically play for one (1) team per day, event, tournament, or weekend, regardless of location, venue, age division and / or classification. Doubleheaders - Each team will be home one game. If the last batter not on base is unavailable (i.e., he is the catcher or pitcher), the designated runner will roll back until such time as a possible substitute can be found. grades, pitchers mound height and slope, batters and catchers box dimensions, and base and home plate size and construction should be referred to the Official Rules of Baseball as published by Major League Baseball on MLB.com. 11U Division Any Team Manager, who allows a coach/manager or participant back on a USSSA sanctioned event playing field without first obtaining the required written consent, may be suspended by the State Director for up to one year and upon request of the State Director, may be suspended for a longer duration by the USSSA disbarment committee. lightning detector, working on fields, etc. Pitching Coach: The Pitching Coach shall be an adult at least eighteen (18) years of age. Also, coaches of adult teams which have multiple offenses under this rule may also be so suspended for failing to have his team follow USSSA equipment rules. The defensive team may correct this rules infraction at any time by substituting a legal pitcher without penalty. The bat has had anything removed or added or inserted to the inside or outside of the bat other than tape at the handle or knob. All players participating in USSSA Rec League Baseball play shall have photocopies of their original birth certificate in the possession of their team manager at all times. No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. The defensive player listed as pitcher shall not leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit. 3. Players on a regular season team may pitch in any game during the regular season subject to limitations. Gm# 33. Walks are considered a "Dead Ball" situation, meaning the batter may only take 1st base and any forced runners may only advance one base. May start game with 8 players, 9th player spot is an out when he comes up in lineup. A runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate. A team may continue a game with a minimum of eight (8) players. Official USSSA Baseball National By-Laws and Rules. PITCHING GUIDELINES: Innings pitched are not limited by innings daily on 2-day events. When a runner stands off a base and jukes or fakes back and forth, this is to be interpreted as not attempting to advance and Time shall be called. No protest shall be allowed following the game. A runner starting from 1st or 2nd Base may advance home as a batted ball continuation of a play (there is not a mandatory ""red light"" at 3rd Base for a play in motion). A team may score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning. The fact that the individual did not know that the bat was altered is not a factor in imposing the suspension. Malicious contact shall supersede all obstruction penalties. If a player is listed on more than one roster, the player listed will make a decision as to which roster, he is legally on. Shortened because an imposed Time Limit expires; or. Red flag events will follow the following rules however event directors reserve the right to modify rules as needed in the best interest of the event. Must be a baseball bat - no restriction on weight or length as long as bat has "BPF 1.15 or USA" stamp. Replacement by anyone else results in an altered bat with potential suspension for the owner/user of the bat. All subs should be reported to the umpires. Outs recorded during a game that ends in forfeit shall count towards a pitchers innings limits. It shall be the responsibility of each team to challenge pitching violations by notifying the Umpire and then filing a Protest with the League / Tournament Director. Awards and Coach Suspensions: If an owner / user chooses to submit a suspected altered bat to the USSSA Altered Bat Committee or Manufacturer no awards may be given to the team until the bat is determined not to be altered. Physical attack on an umpire, tournament official, associate director, associate officer, and/or any player or fan prior, during, or immediately following a game played under the authority of Perfect Game. For purposes of pitching limitations rules, a pitcher is in violation of the rule if he records any out above the legal pitching limits pursuant to these rules. The MLB balk rule will be enforced. If a player fouls off the 6th pitch it will be recorded as an out. Rule 7.01.G Comment: In age divisions 4U 12U, the catchers helmet shall fully cover both ears. This is to be interpreted as a player may legally pitch any combination of innings to equal eight (8) innings in two (2) days as long as the player doesnt pitch more than three (3) innings the first (1st) day. Replacement by anyone else results in an altered bat with potential suspension for the owner/user of the bat. If the Umpire discovers that a bat has been used to put a ball in play and before the next legal pitch, the defensive team shall have the choice of the result of play or the batter being called out and all runners returning to the base occupied at the time of the pitch. The manager could face suspension. A runner starting a play at 3rd base may ONLY advance home on a batted ball or when forced home by a walk, hit batter, or another force play (bases loaded). Base Coaches - Not allowed to touch player when ball is in play. Malicious contact is solely up to the discretion of the Umpire. Rule 9.00 - Machine Pitch Specific Rules 9 Rule 10.00 - T-Ball Specific Rules 9 Rule 11.00 - 7U & 8U Kid Pitch Specific Rules 10 Rule 12.00 - Drafted League and All-Stars 10 Rule 13.00 - Safety Rules 11 Rule 14.00 - Sportsmanship 13 Rule 15.00 - Umpires 13 Rule 16.00 - Protests 13 Rule 17.00 - Global Baseball 13 Rule 18.00 .
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