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So in your own chart it's about how you can actively charm people. The wound never heals despite his healing knowledge, which explains Chirons well-known nickname as the Wounded Healer. Sometimes in life we may feel that certain events were fated or pre-told. aphrodite-saturn: i feel like this aspect in a person is often seen as mature or womanly or what have you from a very young age (this love goddess was born from the sea and rose from the water as an adult woman - she was never a child). many people likely find you dramatic and a bit childish when its important you not be. chances are that you have more long-term relationships than aphrodite who tends to prefer flings. you may be the only aphrodite placement i wouldnt be surprised to see hide in the wildness when the world seems rough. it also may be a poseidon moment where people look at you and wonder what it would be like to be your lover. So in your astrology natal chart the asteroid Luda (1158) can indicate : where a lot of people like or adore or love you.. but honestly yes thats your vibe or like emily in paris - you love to dress to match your atmosphere! Goddess of blind folly, rashness, infatuation, and mischief. Astrology Help : Love Asteroids Part 1 Although asteroid Ophelia has many themes, many astrologers have noticed a link between this asteroid and accidental drownings. you love posting things that show your interest and photography is a great way to express your creative eye and do so. i feel like this placement constantly doesnt believe in their beauty and thus they are prone to mental health issues like EDs and dysphoria. negative aspects: you may be viewed by others as the reason women are kept down and lack independence from men. Stuck in a vicious cycle of rebuilding. but hey you are the one people come to for advice about love and romance because you have fabulous intuition when it comes to all things intimate. Asteroid 7328 Casanova was discovered on September 20, 1984, by Czech astronomer Antonin Mrkos at Klet Observatory in the Czech Republic, and named for Italian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), who is best known for his bedroom acrobatics but who was also an accomplished author who wrote on a wide variety of topics, including Jupiter rules ur beliefs so maybe people could love u for expressing ur beliefs. you probably love organic foods, restaurant dining (the expensive object on the menu is your type), and i know you lowkey love dessert. you may have some fears about sex - contraceptives, not being in control, possible STDs/STIs, etc. Originally known for having stolen ambrosia from Mount Olympus and taking it down to humans (therefore revealing the secrets of the Gods to humans), he then served up his dead sons body parts to the Gods of Olympus. Britney spears have asteroid luda exactly conjunct her mercury in a 0 orb. In astrology, Charis is related to charisma, beauty. Eros- in the orbit of Mars, Mars, Aries, Scorpio. you are like a wealth of social activity and knowledge. Generally in chart readings, I see Damocles in the chart of very powerful and successful people (investment bankers, military generals). Nice having a title and all, but surely not ones first choice. Asteroid Pythia is a main belt asteroid as discovered on the 18 December 1897, its orbital period 3.6 years. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. a lot of people know this asteroid as a sexual asteroid but it can also show what made you two fall in love with each other . Personification of physical health and mental health in chart, agreement is a sign of holistic healing, casting out disease, how we incorporate healing, wellness, nutrition, and health in our lives. However, his own heart is not involved, although it LOOKS as it is. ill tell you what: you can still girlboss the shit out of life after giving yourself the weekend off, wonder woman. The myth of Tantalus is pretty full-on. you may see intervening in others lives like helping others to have a happier life - its not advice from you, its fixing because you get actively involved in others lives. Casanova. you may have social anxiety regarding how others see you versus how you see yourself. Just like it says on the tin: Beer is commonly found in strong positions in the chart of heavy drinkers, or those who have or have had issues with alcohol. Vesta also deals with how we face personal sexual energy: with repression, expression, or impulses. Niobe loses her entire family. The sign of your 12th house is also very important!. other than that you are pretty like aurora (get it sleeping beauty? Lucifer is the 1st house - the physical appearance is a source of evil in them. Graceful enforcement of boundaries, grace, how one heals themself and others, compassion, spiritual awakenings, expansion of self care that comes with individuation, astral travel, awakening, tempering boldness and harsh honesty with thoughtfulness and self respect, Pallas- Daughter of Jupiter. being in drama or gossiping for you is like dancing on a stage - you put on a whole new persona (aphrodite in bed with ares type deal - what me? you catch a ton of attention for your looks - you look dignified, important, and may be seen as a charming person by others. you likely appear petite with very soft, long hair - again venus ruled aphrodite signs have my envy lol my skin and hair will never be as glorious as yours lmfao. you are likely very emotional/expressive to those around you. never try to be on trend or look like everyone else thats lowkey boring and you know it - we both know you got a different look in mind and i am telling you to do it. you likely have one particular cosmetic you cant leave home without because its critical to your survival (my mother has 2h aphrodite and for her, its burts vanilla beeswax lip balm (yes, it has to be that exact brand and flavor lol); she get really ticked off if she cant find it, lmao 10/10 would lie down and die in a zombie apocalypse if she ran out). 3h: you may drive a sexy car - lmfao im kidding (or am i?). *PLEASE do not take this as a self diagnosis assessment, astrology is a reflection of the world and not what the world IS. Since Loki is everywhere so many of us have had encounters with Loki, we took a quick poll: Who does not flee; the inescapable one. As the name suggests the Asteroid "Talent" shows us where in our lives we may excel or have talents in. you also probably have a very edgy style! Though, you are very sensitive individual who has trouble blending in. #astrology on Tumblr Latest sussysluttyscorpio Follow Random Astrology Observations Part-10 (Mini Edition) (Above picture does not belong to me) (Please take only what reso n ates) ~ Mars opposite Mars in synastry: one being hella dominant and other being hella submissive. : (11911) Asteroid Cupido (763) -the Quintessential Player you may struggle with your confidence every once in a while but trust me when I say you have the power to ignite the infatuation of others and destroy them at any moment. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. you could be an incredible salesperson as well -you have that friendly, pretty face that could sell a poor man a diamond and a billionaire a box of girl scout cookies (despicable me reference). miley cyrus has asteroid fama in the 5th house (self-expression, drama, creativity) and abundantia in the 1st. Asteroid Ara is only bad, per se, when poorly positioned or afflicted within a natal chart. you may bounce back pretty well after a breakup because you have an incredible ability to heal on your own. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of this asteroid feel free to comment them or dm me! but you can get wrapped up in petty drama so try to pursue alternative: get off of social media for a bit, go for a drive, go for a walk, etc. you probably change your style pretty often - you may even like designer brands and lots of bracelets/rings! you may even receive postcoital dysphoria - post-sex blues. Think commitment, give and take in partnership, the partnership itself, infidelity, betrayal, fairness, and compromise, multi-tasking, union, represents true love, marriage partner. asteroid astrology interesting asteroids to look up in your natal Asteroids are influences of feminine energy in the natal chart, with Pallas being the least feminine energy of the asteroids. you are probably everyones favorite person to chat with. While not necessarily bad (it can stand for an assertive, power-house type of personality, particularly in women), Bellona strongly placed in charts can be extremely confrontational or willing to fight. Selecting Asteroid Numbers from a List. seriously you are the businesswoman who uses her money to buy the pretty things and looks well maintained - like your nails are always done, your hair is on a schedule for highlights, trims, and all that, etc. ), chances are your hair is darker and finer than those around you, you are probably shorter than most, have a cute nose, and semi-prominent eyes. you may just lowkey adore babies but when they are kids youre like :/ see me again when you are older, you know when we can have fun gossiping. If you have Aquarius/in the 11th house Juno you try to adjust goals of your and your partner to a mutual satisfaction. you are too nice to admit you dont remember someone as well. I dont post much on here, and especially not about sports, but I just wanted to say how proud I am of Morocco in the World Cup this year. The Meanings of Asteroids in Astrology | by Dreaming Souls - Medium negative aspects: could be seen by the men in your family as another woman to marry off as soon as possible to avoid the burden of keeping you single and independent (its like the 1800s all over again). May not work well in Scorpio, Chiron- Association with Pisces and Sagittarius. It's also an indicator of twin flame and soulmate. Early on, he is abandoned by his mother (his first wounding), who is horrified at his half-man, half-human form; he is soon taken to the Sun god Apollo, who teaches Chiron everything he knows about the healing arts. Phaethon is generally associated with out of control, dangerous behaviour, people that get carried away, car crashes and accidents. Enter in your birth information, and when you arrive to a page where you can select what astrological chart you would like, scroll down to "Additional Objects" and enter the number of the asteroid you would like in your chart. you are the type that doesnt block an ex just so they know you are living the dream and they missed out on it OR you just rather that everyone in the situation walks away rather amicably (lets stay friends energy). Not much more to say than that when you find this little dude in close aspect to someone, run. but your opinion and style are highly regarded - people come to you for the harsh truth or recommendations (books, music, movies, all included). Juno- placed between Mars and Jupiter. 2 posts of you, 1 of something pretty): aesthetically pleasing books, the sunset, pictures from a day trip, etc. you likely have drama in your sex life, your over-assertiveness, or the independent life you lead. aphrodite-eros (433): positive aspects: you are likely to be(come) a proud mother who wants to be around the person they raised 24/7. you are just as strong as any of these other placements, never think anything different - no need to tear other women down (women should support other women - we are not each others enemies naturally). Melete is connected to the Greek word for anxiety, and as such, can indicate anxiety disorders, panic attacks and other forms of mental anguish. i know you are killing it. I searched aspects in birth charts that are linked to autistic people. I have seen asteroid Dejanaira come up time and time again as a reliable indicator of childhood abuse, especially sexual abuse. you may be very envious of others when you have no cause to be - maybe if you just told others how you feel then the problems wouldnt be as big as you imagine them being. Asteroid Bacchus in the Natal Chart Your natal asteroid Bacchus can show where and how you let go, get lost, and get in touch with your inner wild woman/man. you probably are delicate looking, youthful, petite, and have a nearly perfect golden ratio. Pandoras themes include: curiosity, especially curiosity that kills the cat, initiating change through curiosity, unintended consequences, caught off-guard, restlessness, rebelliousness, meddling troublemaker. ), etc. Dr. Bitchcraft Juno in Astrology - you may appear to others as someone with a pretty mouth, pretty hands, and/or someone with toned arms. Skepticus means skeptical, skepticism, doubting or discerning. if you are an underdeveloped 10h aphrodite, status symbols are likely important to you - you need a house, a nice car, a marriage, a dog, etc. you may also be attractive for your financial situation - you are the breadwinner in every relationship unless you run into an aphrodite/adonis/mars in 2h/8h/11h, only then is the title of breadwinner up in the air. you may also be jealous of those you find prettier than you - you may target them. Asteroid Bacchus in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology: Astrology Where Are My Asteroids? | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly everyone tends to look at you with judgment for your actions and it sucks so try your best to not let your ego get the better of you and do what you can to avoid drama and gossip because others are likely already spreading something about you. This retrograde began on July 11th. you may have the ability to expand and grow in the opportunities that arise around you. Can become . but in all seriousness you like 2h aphrodites have quite a bit in common you love a good gym routine - your health is everything to you. the downside though is that others may believe you are vain. aphrodite-eos (221): positive aspects: you may befriend your exs new partner and be able to be cordial with people that typically others would hate point-blank without actually knowing them. aphrodite-jupiter: you are likely admired for your ability to attract a variety of new opportunities and see potential and all things around you. like for sports, prom coverage, etc.? you likely travel a lot as well and you do so in style. Cupido is the . okay :/). Posted on 7 Aug 2019 9:37pm (3 years ago) with 65 notes # astrology # asteroids # ariana grande # gwen stefani # cher # miley cyrus aphrodite-hestia (46): positive aspects: you are unaffected by the disagreements of those around you - you dont judge people for their sexual choices and they dont judge you - you live harmoniously together accepting each other for what you are as individuals (girl power vibes). The Vesta trap is to accept as a given the requirement that one operate this way. Shades of Pluto, Venus, Scorpio, Libra, 7H and 8H. you probably got really nice skin and hair too (venus ruled signs have me jelly). . Swindle has got it ALL. it could indicate a female dominant family as well. like many paintings of this greek goddess, everyone notices you but you are noticing everything else - the atmosphere as an example. aphrodite-zeus (5731): positive aspects: viewed by the men around as someone to be respected and protected from other men. you likely have a high sex drive that has zero end to it (you are always hungry for more). aquarius (11, 23): you have the aura that really gets under peoples skin - i think of ares frustration when he found out about poseidon with this placement. the shinier the better (whether its jewelry, lipgloss, nail polish, etc. I am undiagnosed so please do not take this literally. Sexual objectification, passion and desire, creativity, can be reckless in pursuit of desires, creative passion, creative joy, Sappho- poetic or artistic ability, graceful self expression, friendship, same-sex attraction, aptitude with words, true sexual character, smarts, more subtle than Eros, Psyche- Venus, Taurus, Libra. It is named after adorea liba, the cakes used as offerings to the gods in Roman society. One day Persephone is out picking flowers when the God of the Underworld Pluto (aka Hades) kidnaps her; he makes her the Queen of the Underworld. people come to you with their issues because you have near psychic wisdom that aids them with finding a solution. you are a jealous person - i dont feel like i need to explain this one - just look what happened with adonis! Achilles is incredible for highlighting potential areas of deep wounding, or the achilles heel of the chart when prominently placed in the natal chart. Out of curiosity Ive been looking at my chart a little more closely. Asteroids of the Gods - a Polytheist Astrology Project | The - Tumblr It draws people to itself, as does Eros. aphrodite-mercury: admired for your intelligence, advice, comedic abilities, accommodating/go-getter nature, and/or your vast amounts of knowledge regarding others. sleep? negative aspects: you are likely viewed as just a sex object with no brain by women around you. it could also indicate a negative relationship with masculine energies in your life. If it conjuncts his Sun or Ascendant, seduction is like breathing. Negative placements show hypochondria, fear of doctors, chronic illness. Nyctimene in a birth chart closely aspecting the Sun, Moon, Venus, or strongly placed in the 5th or 8th Houses has on several occasions indicated issues of incest, rape, and abuse by the father or father figure. As punishment, he was kept in a pool of water with branches of fruit above him. it needs to look as though youve been doing something to yourself - you may be afraid of the phrase youve let yourself go (a big fuck you to anyone who has actually told that to someone from your worst nightmare a.d.). you definitely arent someone to start drama with or gossip about - think of psyche and aphrodite: youve got all the time in the world and know the truth. Asteroid Talent - 33154 - Astrology, Spirituality and Everything you are probably very victorian and gothic-like a modern-day vampire. taurus (2, 14, 26): you may have serene energy about you - much like the paintings, everyone around you is entranced by you. However, of you have children, there will be a free flow of communication about everyday matters, children and food. She unknowingly challenged a disguised Athena, Goddess of weaving, to a weaving duel. negative aspects: you get into it with women around you - they may judge you for your sexuality (could be a religious outlook on sex and its virtue) - there are probably a lot of rumors and whispers about your sex life. im not kidding - it would be iconic call it the spring of aphrodite or some shit and send me opening day pics! lmfao. Rebellion, dark side of human psyche, human potential, being gifted and how you use the gift in reality, innovation, confrontation, unconventional, instinctual, Black Moon Lilith- forbidden fruit, you at your worst, intuition, seduction, supernatural, psychic ability, psychic healing, charisma, addiction, obsession, drive, impulse, sexual attributes and tendencies, dark emotions, You can find your asteroid placements here: Asteroid Casanova - My Christian Psychic otherwise, you may have been very pretty your whole life (even if you dont realize it yet). you probably love perfumes too - vanilla bean is probably a staple/classic! ), the more high end the better (100% real denim, silk blouses, designer, etc. Asteroid Karma is a great indicator of such energy within a birth chart. RETROGRADE MAKES ALL OF THESE THINGS LISTED BELOW SUPER STRESSFUL OR SLOW TO APPEAR IN YOUR LIFE !!! though after a while they may see you as manipulative or controlling. use the number to find it in an extended chart selection. Rash decision, reckless actions taken without heed for consequences, not heeding advice, energy of youth, impulsivity, inability to accept or follow advice, desire to escape restrictions and limits, inflation, freedom, risk, defiance, the fall, death. you may not relate to this goddess like others reading her post do/did. your style is very flexible you could show up at any event do a 360/complete change of plans and still look like you got ready for this particular occasion. I am undiagnosed so please take this with a grain of salt. negative aspects: you may become the mother who believes no one is good enough for her son. you may be very prone to being 100% together - shared banking, living together (for a while before marriage), talking about forever, etc. with this placement you may be a romantic - your approach to life is probably to see beauty in the world around you. like if you think someone is flirting with your partner just say that theyre with you and to get lost - you give off enough of a vibe that send those ones away (make sure that they are honestly flirting though - please dont be the type that dms each new follower being like who are you? you may be prone to changing your look up pretty often. Weaving, woven items, weaving things together, jealousy of god-given talents, talents that lead to pain or persecution, arrogance, boastfulness. Chiron was the first centaur discovered and equally the most well-known of the mythical centaurs; arguably Chiron is the most important of all the centaurs. you may also have an expressive face, be a slender person, be taller than average, and have graceful hands. Pholus- small start of a major event, turning point, situation involving three generations at a time, curing certain addictions, something that happens and you cant get ahold of it, the catalyst, Sedna- ultimate freedom of spirit, tendency to fall victim to our own vulnerability, deceit, betrayal, isolation, aloofness, inaccessibility, having too high an opinion of oneself, aloofness, arrogance, refusal to grow, Chariklo- Wife of Chiron, the wounded healer.
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