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[7] When summoned, the figurine emitted a gray mist which quickly solidified into the panther shape. Whiskers[1] The panther can slip between planes and has frequently saved the Drow Ranger and his companions from threats they could not otherwise survive. Here are some home brewed stats for some of the characters from the Forgotten Realms Campaig Setting. Guenhwyvar's figurine was crafted by the finest dwarven craftsman in the Cormanthor region and enchanted by Anders Beltgarden, a 75-year-old human ranger/wizard who lived not far outside Myth Drannor in 253 DR.[10] It was to be a parting gift for Anders' friend, the Bladesinger Josidiah Starym, before Anders died of old age,[11] but Josidiah saw an intelligence in the giant panther's eyes that he felt should not be caged, let alone killed; he thought her body should not be enslaved to magic and a master's command. Guenhwyvar has been described as a figurine of wondrous power over many editions of D&D. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? fr:Guenhwyvar E.g. She is clearly intelligent. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. ), Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. (AD&D 1e, DMG p. 144). Also in Siege of Darkness, from the Legacy of the Drow series, it states, "Then for no other reason than to give praise to the day, Guenhwyvar reared and stood tall in the air, a sight that sent her friends' hearts racing.". Guenhwyvar weighs about 600 lb (272 kg). The panther has advantage on Wisdom ( Perception) checks that rely on smell. Dungeons and Dragons Drizzt Do'Urden Modern Icons Statue. Let me know what you think! Guenhwyvar was created by the ranger-wizard Anders Beltgarden. Onyx Panther: This magical figurine summons the black panther Guenhwyvar, a friend and loyal companion to Drizzt. There are several exchanges early on in the (very long) series where Guenhwyvar communicates subtle opinions to Drizzt in this manner. I want to use this in my campaign for my players but as a 1 time use deal. temecula valley imaging patient portal. It may not display this or other websites correctly. . During the Siege of Darkness, Guenhwyvar was nearly destroyed entirely because of the Time of Troubles, in which magic all across Faern was in complete chaos. Always go for stats [OC] OC. [6] . Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), The Collected Stories: The Legend of Drizzt Anthology, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. She's also not enslaved by her summoner, like with normal figurines - she's akin to an actual animal you have to actually befriend. Guenhwyvar was a 600 lb (270 kg) black panther who resided on the Astral Plane. Difficulties with estimation of epsilon-delta limit proof, How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates. Josidiah decided on the high elven word for shadow, "Guenhwyvar." Mutually exclusive execution using std::atomic? Sex Aliases If the panther is seriously injured or even if it suffers injuries that should be fatal while on the Prime Material Plane, the panther transports back to the Astral plane. I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!". This one is based off the lore of the book itself. 2023 Wizards. Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. As a drow, he can use the following spell-like abilities, each once per day, as a sorcerer of his level: dancing lights, faerie fire, and darkness. What has been published about the legendary tarrasque's mind? A place where magic is studied and practiced? [22] For example, on page 182 of The Crystal Shard (of The Icewind Dale Trilogy Collector's Edition) and page 155 of the first printing of The Crystal Shard trade paperback: Despite these publishing errors, Salvatore explained that Guenhwyvar had always been a "she." How can I check before my flight that the cloud separation requirements in VFR flight rules are met? Perhaps the warrior option? A giant panther? Race However, during the final stage of the ritual, the magic of the binding also absorbed that of the extra-dimensional hole Guen was partially lying in, causing a brief rift to the Astral Sea. Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. When she was called forth to test the ritual's success, the panther was not a slave like a normal figurine of Wondrous power would produce, but the same panther, with all of her intelligence intact. I'd probably design him far differently. Drizzt was trained as a fighter in Menzoberranzan and just kept getting better at it, but he legit picked up some ranger levels while getting into Mielikki's religion as part of wooing a girl. In Forgotten Realms lore, can gods use spells above 9th level? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Show all. share. @Jeff What makes you think multiple well sourced answers is not desirable? The first was published shortly before the release of 2e. $56.65. I am afraid to submit it to make it public for fear of copyright infringement and penalties, as I have already had warnings for avatars that were copyright protected. Because of Catti-brie's quick thinking, Guenhwyvar was saved, and once the time of troubles passed things were restored to normal. To be fair to Drizzt, Im only half way through Homeland. GUENHWYVAR STATS 5E - ETHANMUSOLINI.COM. Salvatore has subsequently responded to hundreds of letters from fans explaining this. I'd manually set her Intelligence score to probably 6. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To his "horror," he later discovered after the book was published that some of the more awkward uses of "it" were changed presumably by a copyeditor to the male pronoun. Through long acquaintance, the pair do read each other's body language fluently. Home See the editing guidelines for ways to contribute. I'd like for her to turn the tide of battle, and a CR Dire Panther is just NOT gonna cut it . You are using an out of date browser. Guenhwyvar is "ten feet long, at least, with muscled shoulders as high as a tall man's chest.". In his time after leaving Menzoberranzan, Drizzt took to summoning Guenhwyvar as often as possible, to help combat the extreme loneliness that Drizzt faced. (The tradeoff is that she's strictly ascetic monk and is forbidden from owning anything but a robe, some sandals, and the figurine. 4th Edition Statistics[4] Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? Do they have to be updated stats or can we post some older (2e) versions? Trying to understand how to get this basic Fourier Series. [14] Anders called the cat "Whiskers," but Josidiah objected to what he considered such a silly name for such a noble creature. JavaScript is disabled. I have created stats for all of the Darklords (and then some) of the 17 Domains of Dread described in Chapter 3 of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft. I run a 4e campaign for my wife and son, and one of the suggestions I received on these boards for making a TPK less likely was to let them have pets. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? The ultimate lasts for a few seconds before expiring. Masoj refused, and Guenhwyvar aided Drizzt in defeating both Masoj and Alton DeVir, who had teamed up together on behalf of House Hun'ett. It may not display this or other websites correctly. E.g. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? She was summoned to the Prime Material Plane by the use of an onyx figurine of wondrous power. Do you think I should just delete my answer (which is based on rules rather than the book)? But as was pointed out in the comments, these books are older. save. Can non-humanoid monsters live in a human society? "We got this, no problem! Drizzt then took the figurine from the ground (where Masoj had left it) because he could not bear to see Guenhwyvar used to do evil; while observing Guenhwyvar forced to hunt down deep gnomes, Drizzt perceived emotional damage being done to a creature he admired and viewed as noble. Hit Dice 8d10 Hit Points 87 Armor Class 16 (+1 leather), 17 while wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand, or 20 (with transfer bonus from Twinkle) Speed 30 feet. Guenhwyvar cannot heal naturally on the Material Plane but heals at double the rate (18 hp/day) when on The House of Nature. I also believe it is way higher cause in one of the novels he does become the "ONLY" god alive. Some I've converted from 2E, while others appeared in 3E material and I just re-wrote them. A gnat figurine from 2e: The Panther looks to have been modeled after the onyx dog, based on the 1988 publication date of the first novel (The Crystal Shard), Onyx Dog: When commanded, this statuette changes into a creature which [5e] [OC] Today I got to roll 39d8 for damage, in a last ditch effort when our party's backs were against the wall. JavaScript is disabled. to Hasbro . Apart from body language though, no, they cannot communicate; not in the sense of two-way language use. it:Guenhwyvar The onyx figurine, referred to in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition rules as a "Figurine of Wondrous Powers," was originally owned by Josidiah Starym of Myth Drannor, and has also been possessed by the drow mage Masoj of House Hun'ett, whom Drizzt Do'Urden killed in battle. In his defense, she was pretty great. [6][7], Guenhwyvar was summoned through a detailed onyx figurine of a panther. Drizzt became acquainted with Guenhwyvar when Masoj summoned her as a distraction from Alton DeVir's attack on Drizzt. If the panther moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Brazier is pronounced "bray-zier" (slightly sounds like the TV character Frasier); hear it here. She is loyal to her master and will . [citationneeded]. . Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. A shadow panther can use the following spell-like abilities, using Wisdom as its casting ability (DC 13, attack +5). [8] When summoned, the figurine emitted a gray mist which quickly solidified into the panther shape.
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