missionary spencer smith critiquewhy is skippyjon jones banned
21:24, 21; Lk. 6. The problem is that they were in such bad spiritual condition that they didnt even know it. He is describing a church that is true in his eyes, but weak, not right or spiritual and not used by God and they didnt even know it. I mean I don't agree with every point spencer makes, but things like Vaccine Passports to just get into a grocery store that they've been talking about seems eerily similar to what Mark is going to do. He is referring to the unscriptural and heretical Keswick theology/revivalism, which actually gave birth to Pentecostalism. These are all markers of second blessing and Keswick/ revivalism/ higher life/ victorious life, etc, theology used to describe people that are allegedly saved but indistinguishable from the world. No demon possessed false teacher will be in line with Scripture. 2:12-13), which starts at salvation: 2 Cor. In fact, the unclean spirit did much more than just touch Roberts; he possessed him, and that according to Roberts own testimony. 16:15; Matt. Our goal is to plant churches with national pastors in Kenya and the Dominican Republic. sublease apartment charlotte, nc; small plate restaurants las vegas In his video on The Laodicean Church, Spencer says a mark of the last days church will be an attempt to lift up Jesus Christ without putting down sin. Not really even close and the credence he is giving people really isnt reality either. Hes a big fan of Spurgeon so he is a little more nice toward reformed folk. Uncategorized . He says: This is what I tell folks, if you can live your life doing anything else but preaching, then youre not called to preach. (How Do I Know If I'm Called To Preach?) This error is further seen in his mentions of backsliding and carnal Christian, all of which are Keswick currency. Rom. I frequently watch Spencer Smith. Or Amos? Its not for a lack of believing that prevents people from being converted (oh no, the world is full of believers); but sinners refusal to repent because of their wilful rebellion against God and His Authority (Jn 3:19-21; Lk. (i) Rice rejected the salvation that changes a person and is supernatural and dramatic. In 1950 Scroggie was called indisputably the foremost living Keswick teacher. Keswick theology is very unscriptural and terrible heresy. These things reveal that Spencer is a very compromised man and cannot actually speak the truth. missionary spencer smith critiqueduskull evolution arceus. He is also a huge Hyles guy, and teaches the same perverted gospel as Hyles and his father (Curtis). Can you say, Just. Revivalism / Keswick Heresy. Its very concerning, because to get this wrong is to possibly have a wrong view of salvation and what salvation does and who the Bible describes as lost. . 23:59 December 07, 2019 I dont want to doubt what happened to him, his experience, but this is not salvation language anywhere in Gods Word. 10:13: Let me give you what the gospel is: For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. It creates an emotional response that isnt real and isnt based upon truth. Dear Friends, Thank you for visiting our website. 22:14; 1 Cor. To get to this heretical position, he had to pervert and wrest a lot of scripture such as Rom. Case in point. Spencer said that The fundamentalist, he believes in the wall of separation from all kinds of heresy and error, he will not not fellowship with these people [evangelicals and modernists], he wants to be obedient to the truths of the Word of God. This is not true. Really. That she would learn from these people speaks to her true spiritual nature (1 Cor 2:14-16). 5. . . 3:11; Jam. Ill leave it at that. This is the carnal and salesmanship showmanship of many IB churches, but he doesnt speak against it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. (2) Must have the desire for the office (1 Tim. Whether its being preached in truth or not is the difference between life and death, Heaven and Hell. He says they live just like the world, but no word of warning that they are unsaved (time 25:30). It unifies light with darkness. 6:12; 2 Pet. 16:16 to support their heresy that salvation requires both faith and baptism, but according to Spencer these people theyre not telling lies, theyre just telling half truths. What?!? Its a sellout to impress the need he has for money (which was spoken of prior, in the context). For the past 3 years I've tried unaccountable mental meds. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Bible Myths and their Parallels in other. 23). Religions, by T. W. Doane. Roberts did that indeed and much much more, buts its completely unbiblical and another Jesus, while Spencer says I think that was a good thing. False doctrine, sin, worldliness are constantly attacked in the Bible, and so will the preacher behind the pulpit. 28:18-19). He has monetized his Youtube channel, and is also brings in funds that way. The church we attended in Australia was pastored by a man from the same area as Spencer and we were very close to him and his family (to this day). Along with the false repentance, Rice promoted and taught the decisionism techniques of the apostate Charles G. Finney (who rejected justification by faith alone). 20:21, which is the gospel: Ac. Is there any scriptural justification for such a concept? . Wow. Scofield Reference Bible. This is the carnal and salesmanship showmanship of many IB churches, but he doesnt speak against it. Gods wrath is not on the lost because of their unbelief but because of their ungodliness and unrighteousness: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (Rom. 3:3). The existence of 'gray areas' in "human origins research" can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; "it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. There are many very solid Biblical reasons why not to listen to Casting Crown music, without even considering their associations. ). Etc. There is yet another video that he recommends on his channel that propagates the same Welsh Revival error. 5:12-6:1; 1 Cor. Spencer has a few promotional videos on Hutson preaching. 2:9-16). Jesus said something very different, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. (Lk. For some very strange reason he doesnt see that they are liars and false teachers and he definitely wont call them out on it like Jesus did (Matt. 16:17-18). Wow. Why is it that men that soundly and faithfully adhere to the Word of God and are exceedingly careful in preaching the true gospel and not any form of easy-believism/quick-prayerism, not see results like this in Africa even to a hundredth? He was a revivalist and a soft continuationist, noted in his book The Fulness of the Spirit, which would totally mess a person up on biblical sanctification, looking for a second blessing and in many ways making Acts normative for today. Thank you to all who gave! (https://www.missionaryspencersmith.com/2019-ibom-kenya-conference). Scofield also held position of pastor unbiblically, having been divorced and remarried at least 3 times. what do you call a funny lizard. having his children). 2. Scofield also held position of pastor unbiblically, having been divorced and remarried at least 3 times. They reduced unity and fellowship to the fundamentals. Then I started watching older and newer stuff, and it became clear that he is very much about if it's not his perspective it's wrong. After the Welsh Revival (where he did various signs and wonders) in 1912, which was seven years after he vanished from the forefront of activities, from the spotlight which he so cherished, he co-authored (with Jessie Penn-Lewis) the book War on the Saints, where they confess they were both demon possessed and wrote the book out of their experiences with demons. 3:16-17). Spencer posted a video promoting the heretic Curtis Hutson (. Its wishful thinking. Full Cast and Crew | . But how did Paul do it? Rice the great revivalist icon of IB fundamentalism, was a big leader in the Old Boys Club and heretic for a lot of reasons. Brown and his cronies are way above admonishment and correction, their pedestal is somewhere in the third heaven. Some of his book-length list of heresies and damnable heresies include seeking after and promoting a second baptism of the Holy Spirit and the second blessing of sanctification; communing with the dead; claiming there is no need for the Bible just follow the spirit leading (which on its own tells us what spirit was leading Roberts); seeking after and claiming experiences with the audible voice of God; preaching a seriously perverted gospel; rejecting God's Word; higher life mysticism in communing with evil spirits and Throne life prayer; believed and taught he had authority to bind Satan and co-work with God in the last defeat of Satan and all his hosts, and indeed affirmed he had bound Satan and had entered into the sufferings of the Saviour/High Priest and thus obtained a position from which he could intercede continually for Christs servants and witnesses who were exposed to deception (can you say blasphemy!! In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith he uses unbelief to categorize the lost and ungodly modernists. 19:12-27). I currently serve as the Director of Lighthouse Baptist Missions. Smith obviously has no issue with easy believism false gospel (cf. In 1950 Scroggie was called indisputably the foremost living Keswick teacher. Keswick theology is very unscriptural and terrible heresy. He claimed we should work with those who disagree with us on baptism, tongues, prophecy, election, and we should associate with the SBC. He says the Bible promotes Westcott and Hort multiple times, which then confuses both Scofields and Spencers KJV/Textus Receptus position. He would be a carnal and lukewarm Christian up until that point. 16, 21). Though I came across this post while looking for info on him as well. It says separate only over the fundamentals of the faith, which is completely contrary to Scripture. He says the same immediately after about Joel Osteen, he is only speaking half-truths.. In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith (https://youtu.be/tYct1MwQL84) he is embracing fundamentalism which is an error filed movement, and then there are his categories and lines, that arent really that clear cut in reality. Jesus said we are to be witnesses of these things. (Lk. He was as responsible as any fundamentalist leader for changing the definition of repentance to an unbiblical one. I have written up a report on this sermon which is much longer than this brief summary, revealing how terribly unscriptural and heretical it really is. Especially when even Paul corrected Peter, who as we know was Jesus chosen to build His church upon. For do I now persuade men, or God? 1:10), and thus be offended in nothing. (4) Must be ordained by elders (1 Tim. These things should not be taken lightly. First of all, every born again Christian is called to preach." He is very brave to be so compromised. "Unbelief" is Only a Characteristic of Unsaved People, Not the Saved. 13:1-5; Jn. He says if you do any of these things to the pastor, God will take care of you like He did Korah. Supported the gap theory. I remembered he said he didnt think all reformed people are damned so thats good. He, like many evangelicals and IBs today, pushed an intellectual, non-volitional type of repentance. . 9:23-26, 57-62; 13:1-9; 17:33; 18:9-32; 19:1-10; Jn. He is not a Bible preacher, but an entertainer. 7:15-20; 12:33-37; 13:20-21), which was already evident to anyone with spiritual eyes and indwelling of the Spirit of God DURING the so-called revival (1 Cor. 4. Fundamentalism has tied Christians into false teachings and instead of marking and avoiding, they ignored and united with disobedience. 3) and Spencer should not be defending his evils and heresies, like he does at time 14:00 in the video. It is unscriptural what he says about this enigmatic calling to be a pastor or missionary. They werent even close to being right with God or spiritual or being used by God. Consider the following video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeEzY-PmjRBy2sdvaNHhdw/videos (scroll down to the bottom, the last 8 or so videos are all on Sexton). Hutson denied that repentance means to turn from sin (p. 4), rejected that it is sorrow for sin (p. 8), and denied that it means a change of mind that leads to a change of action (p. 16), so he concluded that repentance is merely to change ones mind. That is a perverted gospel (Gal 1:6-7) which means he was accursed (Gal 1:8-9). (Wilfred C. Smith) 200540-41 Concerning the Welsh Revival video, he said a 16 yr old girl stood up in a prayer meeting and said I love Jesus with all of my heart; they said the outpouring of the Spirit of God was so strong when she did that, and basically that started it [the welch revival] (. Check out Spencer Smith's unbiblical Doctrine of twisting Godhead to the Pagan Polytheism of the Trinity. No results, no good. More than likely he would see that as a works- gospel, further buttressing the placebo he is propagating. (g) Rice pretended to be a Biblical separatist but it was all sinful pretence. 306 talking about this. 23:1). 10:21), and he would not. 2:1) and the best he can do is sugar coat their evil, claiming it as a half-truth and not speak the truth of Gods Word by condemning it and reproving it as Gods Word does and commands?! 3:2-7; Tit. ), He is very set in his ways being the only way that things should be done. Yet, again, there are serious concerns that cant be overlooked. Call Today +971 2 4440458 Al-Muror Road, Behind Al-Mushrif Mall, Abu dhabi 1. Nothing about it. A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring. (Pr. He is only doing damage to cause of Christ. The truth is, he actually didnt believe in Biblical repentance at all, for he believed faith and repentance were the same thing, and it didnt require sorrow: One who believes in Christ has repented. 4:23-24)? So called fundamentalists today are practically the same as evangelicals which are practically the same as modernists. Secondly, although every person is called to preach, not every person can be a pastor. missionary spencer smith critique Fundamentalism is a movement that responded to theological liberalism in the early twentieth century. Posted on June 11, 2022 by . _ ' Hy hndeey a. 2. 17:11 and even demanded it: 1 Cor. The great commission is for EVERYONE. (What Korah did was evil, but questioning a pastors teachings is NOT! Scripture doesn't support unity on just fundamentals. So is that showing love to God when he is not being a witness of these things? In this video he also gives way to much credibility to those in evangelicalism, claiming some of them to be saved just compromised or ignorant to the truth. I would venture to say that the vast majority of those thousands saved are actually not saved at all. In this passage Pauls struggle is said to be the record of past conflicts and defeats experienced as a renewed man under law.) His teaching led to the idea that at the point of salvation someone received Jesus, and at some later point, Jesus became Lord (which happened when he was "dedicated or received the second blessing). God spews them out of His mouth. There you go with that, its a great Bible. So he recommends it. No products in the cart. In a recent prayer letter: There have been thousands saved, hundreds graduated from our college, and dozens of churches started. No wonder he could say this without supporting it with scripture. He reviews this Bible (https://youtu.be/USQB2r4Jafc). The Bible doesn't explain these people as saved, but they are labeled so by this new theology (the theology of Keswick/higher life). And all that in Kenya in a day where apostasy flourishes like no other time and wealth and love of money runs rampant as does blinded deception, especially in Africa, who pursue after the white man for the white mans riches. The day of pentecost is over (Acts 2)! 5:5; 8:31-39)? And that never does work either. (time 04:05). Its very bad and it floods majority of evangelical and Baptist churches today. 2:1-3, 17-22). 1:9-16) and accursed of God (Gal 1:6-9). Maybe Spencer does that, but its not true for most of fundamentalism. Although Im sure influenced by the Lord, that desire, as you read in these passages, comes from the man himself. But I very much respect and appreciate his perspective on social issues. Turning from and forsaking all of ones sins and losing ones life isn't a workit is part of believing in Christ and being converted. 25:26). 24:42-51; 25:1-13; 2 Tim. 7. After all, fundamentalists think its a sin to have a small church. I strongly disagree with him on a number of points. Scripture is sufficient. 1:8? Are most IFB churches bad? Paul loved being tested: Ac. 9:28). All these things are heresy. 26:48 Can a spiritual gift be taught? No one should have anything to do with this heretic (e.g. missionary spencer smith critique. So there are more things to the gospel than just this. Its about as terrible as it gets, to the point of nauseating. 4:1-2, two thirds of preaching and teaching should be negative. 16:15; Matt. The will of God is commanded for EVERY child of God to be preaching (2 Cor. I'm not saying that you should go out of your way to be negative because now you see the Holy Spirit to be negative. It's what the Holy Spirit does. These religious freedoms fall within a zone of personal and institutional autonomy and thus are . I think that was a good thing.. He has no business warning about anything, if he cant warn according to Scripture. You will live happily and your children will live happy, I can tell you story after story after story, I can go on Ive got a dozen stories, I cant tell you all things I have come across That is ungodly and fear-mongering. The truth is quite the opposite to what is being said in the video. Although Im sure influenced by the Lord, that desire, as you read in these passages, comes from the man himself. The other men in the Spencer list included Bob Jones Sr., J Grechem Machen, Billy Sunday, Spurgeon, Lester Roloff and Ian Paisley. Broader terms: Race relations -- Religious aspects; Christianity; Narrower term This is a very classic CCM ballad melody. Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Am. I mean a lot. He believed and taught many ideas denied in or absent from the Bible, relying on visions, voices and hysteria. Its also of course intentional false interpretation of Scripture, which is wresting the Word of God, which is an error of the wicked (2 Pet. In spite of the gross heresies, sins and wickedness of Jack Hyles, all of which was public knowledge, Hutson continued to defend Hyles and promote his influence. 11:4). I've thought about this for a while and there is a lot more I could go into, but I'll refrain as to not type your ear off. Ive spent much time with folks from southern USA (I went to university in the USA three different times) and have friends from there, saved and unsaved. The Bible belt of America is full of people like this. The outcome is that I suffered from various mental illness including BPD, Anxiety disorder and I'm highly suspicious that I may have adult ADHD. He is trained in theology and is a missionary working under Lighthouse Baptist Missions. Notice also that he says, We thank God for his hand upon this work. Is it not Gods work? Go figure. This has been addressed several times, and he refuses to answer any questions about it. I find Southern Americans very easy to like and get a long with and humorous. concerning salvation is so clear as the Laodicean church not having it. And Weve seen a lot of churches started. Online describing The results of our 2019 IBOM Kenya Conference are: 5 Church Dedications, 300 in the Providence Baptist College, 40 Graduates of the Providence Baptist College, and 2,114 saved.