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NEC Article 620 covers elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks, platform lifts and stairway chairlifts. Conductors supplying a single power transformer are to have an ampacity not less than the nameplate current rating of the power transformer plus all other connected loads. ELECTRIC PASSENGER & FREIGHT ELEVATORS ASME A17.1 2004 Electric Elevator Checklist 2004 Multi-car.doc Page 4 of 44 Page Completed for cars : - Last Updated: 8/1/05 Car Enclosure Electric 2.14 - Hydraulic 3.14 A17.1 (A17.2) COMMENTS CARS 1-6 Operating Control Devices ADA Requirements They must be in enclosures with doors or removable panels that can be locked in the closed position. The Code provides guidance through regulations to establish requirements. Accordingly, the supply wires are protected only for short circuit, and the overload protection is provided closer to the motor. It does specify wiring methods allowed, though, in 620. This is important as the tradition of using only time-current curves for the analysis of overcurrent device operation is usually not sufficient since the time-current curves traditionally stop at 0.01 second (not time zero). And so the needs can be very different. He has focused on writing since 2006, having written for such magazines as ELEVATOR WORLD, Electrical Construction and Maintenance, Cabling Business, Electrical Business, Nuts and Volts, PV Magazine, Electrical Connection, Solar Connection, Solar Industry Magazine, Fine Homebuilding Magazine and Engineering News. Auxilliary gutters are permitted in machine and control rooms between controllers, starters and similar apparatuses. Selective coordination is also required for multiple elevators per NEC 620.62. Besides the initial determination requirement of paragraph (c) (1), the "host" employer must comply with the five (5) requirements of paragraph (c) (8) when engaging another employer (contractor) who will have employees in permit spaces under the control of the host employer. Smoke detectors, which are required in all elevator lobbies and elevator equipment rooms, must be connected to the elevator controllers directly by means of auxiliary contacts and wiring, or indirectly by means of output signals from the fire alarm control panel. For instance, a typical elevator controller may traditionally have SCCR ratings from 5 to 10 kA. Nevertheless, the primary NEC focus is on elevators, and the intention is to mitigate the hazards associated with the use of electricity. (f) Illumination of Pits. In addition, the shunt-trip voltage must also be monitored by the Fire Alarm System. Because they need to move and flex, traveling cables are not required to be in a raceway. It is important for design engineers to communicate this with the architect and owner during the design phase, as it will impact space needs elsewhere in the facility to accommodate electrical equipment. He has focused on writing since 2006, having written for such magazines as ELEVATOR WORLD, Electrical Construction and Maintenance, Cabling Business, Electrical Business, Nuts and Volts, PV Magazine, Electrical Connection, Solar Connection, Solar Industry Magazine, Fine Homebuilding Magazine and Engineering News. A separate 120VAC, 15A circuit is required for cab lighting and accessories, and it must have its own local disconnect and OCPD in the equipment room as well. Accordingly, for this application, the minimum size is reduced to 20 AWG for lighting circuits. from the exposed components, and the incident energy calculated at 18 in. The sump pump/drain shall have the capacity to remove a minimum of 11.4 m. 3 /h (3,000 gal/h) per elevator. Modern electronic elevator controls can be sensitive to temperature shifts. Doors must open in the direction of travel and be equipped with panic bars, pressure plates or other devices that are normally latched but open under simple pressure. Dont troubleshoot unless you can keep your shoe/boot soles dry. Even non-composite fiber-optic cable, which does not carry electrical energy, is subject to the code. +90 (216) 348 4876, India Office Here, the National Electrical Safety Code has jurisdiction. All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Privacy Policy. 6 Stop Switch in Pits There shall be installed in the pit of each elevator an ASME A17.1 CODE enclosed stop switch or switches meeting the requirements The following material is reprinted with permission from the American of and through Additionally, duty on elevator and dumbwaiter motors is rated as intermittent, whereas duty on escalator and moving-walk motors is considered continuous. Choose topics from a full list of courses covering electrical topics that cover what you need to know from the NEC and other electrical codes and standards. The main concern is to ensure that workers may escape to safety in the awful circumstance of an arc-fault event. And as the designer, you can become the fulcrum on which all of these requirements and authorities exert their leverage, but an understanding of elevator basics can help you handle the pressure. Dec. 21, 2010. This is typically accomplished via a shunt trip device. In driving through commercialized suburban areas, you frequently see paralleled conductors for large retail grocers (where there is a heavy refrigeration load). Guarding: Where possible, install temporary guarding to protect from inadvertent contact. It is further stipulated that internal voltages of power-conversion equipment and functionally associated equipment, and the operating voltages of wiring interconnecting the equipment, are permitted to be higher, provided that the equipment and wiring are listed for the higher voltages. Hazards created by water, snow or condensation in the work area can cause slips, falls and accidental contact. Each fused switch or circuit breaker in the panelboard is used as an elevator disconnect. As always, the best advice in all instancesdo your homework, communicate often, and document decisions made. Flexible cords and cables that are components of listed equipment and used in circuits operating at 30 V (42 VDC) or less are permitted in lengths not to exceed 6 ft., provided the cords and cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame-retardant type. The electrical conductors and equipment for non-mine elevators that extend below grade are under NEC jurisdiction. Pit drainage must be designed to eliminate a minimum capacity of 3,000 gallons per hour (or 50 GPM) per elevator car. Use the below learning-reinforcement questions to study for the Continuing Education Assessment Exam available online at or on page 111 of this issue. Name the principal code other than NEC that pertains to elevator design/installation. What is the definition of the machine room? Why are voltage limitations important? In which areas must live parts be enclosed? Why are feeder demand factors permitted for multiple elevators? All of these options and special wiring can be challenging depending upon the location of the shunt trip circuit breaker as well as who has responsibility for providing these additional options. Described below are several work practices that may be used to reduce arc-flash hazards when working on energized equipment: David Herres holds a New Hampshire Master Electricians license and has worked as an electrician in the northern part of that state for many years. In all cases, the working space must permit at least a 90 opening of equipment doors or hinged panels. Here again, the lighting is not to be connected to a GFCI, whereas such protection is required for the receptacle(s). Personal protective equipment (PPE): Use appropriate PPE to protect body parts within the range of 3-16 in. The electrical system designer needs to communicate this information to the person responsible for specifying the elevator controller, which is most often the architect. For example, wiring that is under exclusive utility control and has to do with the generation and distribution of electrical power is not NEC regulated. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. It is further stated that the disconnecting means are not to disconnect the branch circuits required in sections 620.22, 620.23 and 620.24. Please check your entries and try again. Where a feeder powers more than one elevator, you need selective coordination; the OCPDs must be series-designed so a fault at one of the elevators will be cleared by only the OCPD serving it. It is worth mentioning that when 600 V is talked about as a limit in the NEC, it is generally meant that the familiar 600-V nominal-voltage system is considered to lie within the permitted zone, making it a common usage. Upon loss of power, the rescuvator controls the cab, lowers it to the designated floor, and opens its doors. The fire loading resulting from an accumulation of abandoned low-voltage cabling may be considerable, and has to be understood and dealt with. !>x=yy Bvv8?~e PK ! This device must be either a fused disconnect or a circuit breaker because ANSI/ASME A17.1 requires you to install an additional overcurrent protection device (OCPD) in the elevator equipment room. Corporate Office Traveling cables are to be supported by one of these means: Looping the cables around supports for unsupported lengths less than 100 ft. You may go up to 600 V for power circuits supplying door-operator controllers and door motors, branch circuits and feeders to motor controllers, driving-machine motors, machine brakes and motor-generator sets. If elevators are supplied by the emergency, legally required standby or critical operation power systems, then selective coordination is required per the 2017 NEC in 700.32, 701.27 or 708.54. NEC 620.62 requires the elevator disconnecting means (fused switch or circuit breaker) to selectively coordinate with all supply-side overcurrent devices. For some manufacturers, such as Eaton, testing has been completed to determine the selective coordination ability of current-limiting BussmannTM series fuses with upstream Eaton circuit breakers. With these new NEC requirements, there is now the potential that an elevator controller SCCR may be required thats higher than what elevator manufacturers have historically furnished. Specifically, Section 725.43 provides that overcurrent protection for conductors 14 AWG and larger is to be provided in accordance with the conductor ampacity without applying ampacity adjustment and correction factors. Inspecting Elevator Power Wiring - IAEI Magazine Mobile, AL 36606 USA Elevator Pit Drain or Sump Pump | UpCodes For example, an inadequately supported ceiling fan could fall and cause injury or property damage. This is because the material may contribute fuel to a fire that has originated elsewhere. Of particular importance is the location of the disconnecting means so it can be found by an individual who may not be familiar with the installation. This requirement applies to all controllers, disconnecting means and other electrical equipment that may need servicing, inspection or maintenance. PDF NEC Article 0: Elevator art Similarly, motor branch-circuit short circuit and ground-fault protection must be as required in Article 430, Part IV, for all motors. Hammurabi, sixth king of Babylon and creator of the Babylonian Empire, decreed: If a builder builds a house for someone and does not construct it properly, and the house which he built falls in and kills its owner, then that builder shall be put to death. Escalator Pit Light and Receptacle 620.23 | Mike Holt's Forum You need to Subscribe to continuing reading. But, building codes had been in existence for many centuries. The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) now require the cab to have a special phone accessible by individuals with disabilities. If the entire feeder/branch circuit assembly were to be protected in the conventional manner, the motor would cut out long before reaching operating speed. Selective coordination is defined by the NEC as: Localization of an overcurrent condition to restrict outages to the circuit or equipment affected, accomplished by the selection and installation of overcurrent protective devices and their ratings or settings for the full range of available overcurrents, from overload to the maximum available fault current, and for the full range of overcurrent protective device opening times associated with those overcurrents.. The disconnecting means is to be in the machine room or similar location, with provision for being locked in the open position. Machine room/control space lighting and receptacles 4. The disconnecting means is to be an externally enclosed, operable, fused motor circuit switch or circuit breaker capable of being locked in the open position. The reason the NEC CMP 12 added these requirements, as shown in the panel statements, directly relates to the concern that elevator controllers can be installed in locations where the available fault current can be high and the inspector may not be able to clearly determine the SCCR of the elevator controller unless it is marked on the equipment. U.S. Latham, NY Shopping Miscellaneous Retail Stores, NEC Wheelchair lifts EazyLift Elevators, . Moreover, it is necessary to consider future worker safety for an indefinite period. Elevator power disconnect (with utility feed marking) located in the machine room or other permitted location David Herres David Herres holds a New Hampshire Master Electrician's license and has worked as an electrician in the northern part of that state for many years. (A) Separate Branch Circuit. 6 feet, and shall meet the requirements of NEC 70 620.21(A)(1)(d). If your specifications require a vent at the top of the shaft for venting smoke, you must provide a key switch with a pilot light to control that vent. Related Code Sections 802.1.8 Indirect/Special Waste, Elevator Pit Drain or Sump Pump Freight Elevator Door Control: An Opportunity for Wireless Technology. The sum of the cross-sectional area of the individual conductors in raceways is not to exceed 40% of the interior cross-sectional area of the raceway, except as permitted for wireways. GET YOUR CEUS TODAY, 1998-2021. Besides the power-supply disconnect discussed, it is provided that elevators have a single means for disconnecting all ungrounded car lights, receptacles and ventilation power-supply conductors for that elevator car. f?3-]T2j),l0/%b Moreover, because motors have a higher starting current than other loads, the overcurrent protection protocol is unique to them and somewhat counterintuitive. Receptacle for pumps located in the pit shall be a single non-GFCI and shall be located 6 inches above the lowest landing. Overload protection for motors is to conform with Article 430, Part III, the general code area that covers motor and branch-circuit overload protection for all motors. Elevator cab lights require emergency back-up power. He had been with Eaton (Cutler-Hammer and Bussmann) since 1993 and specializes in training on the design and application of overcurrent protective devices and equipment in electrical distribution systems in accordance with the National Electrical Code and equipment in accordance with the various product standards. The party responsible for procuring the elevator control panel must state the minimum acceptable SCCR or the maximum available fault current where the controller will be installed. 0 Feeder and branch-circuit conductors are required to have specified ampacities: Feeder conductors of less ampacity are permitted for group installations and quite common in elevator work. The traveling cable, moreover, may be run without raceway from inside the hoistway to elevator-controller enclosures and to the elevator car and machine room and similar locations outside the hoistway for a distance not exceeding 6 ft. For circuit breakers, time-current curves must be consulted as well as the circuit breaker manufacturers selective coordination tables. This is not the elevator companys responsibility. NEC 2011 also addresses branch circuits for machine room or control room/machinery space or control-space lighting and receptacles. Article 620s Definitions section includes two terms that describe spaces not attached to the outside of a hoistway. . [emailprotected] ranged from 0.06 cal/cm2 to 0.95 cal/cm2, which indicates that the arc-flash hazard to employees is primarily to the hands and arms. He also required GFCI protection for the hard-wired sump pump that did not require it. 1. endstream endobj 954 0 obj <. The pump sends hydraulic fluid from the reservoir to the cylinder, buried deep below the elevator shaft. The Electrical Ups and Downs of Elevator Design | EC&M Some elevator controller manufacturers believe this is an issue for the electrical system designer and installer to address and remedy by adding impedance to the system for lowering the available fault current. We shall now take a look at the principle requirements of Article 620, with particular emphasis on wiring requirements for elevator shafts, machine rooms and cars. The design engineer must identify the available fault current at the elevator controller to the installer so an elevator controller with adequate SCCR can be provided. Section 725.45 concerns the location of overcurrent devices and provides for feeder and branch-circuit taps, transformer primary side overcurrent device location and overcurrent device location at the input side of electronic power sources. +90 (216) 348 4876, India Office The various items to consider and check when designing for elevator installations have many potential pitfalls. If the disconnecting means is an integral part of the motor controller, it is to be operable without requiring opening of the enclosure. Elevator Pit FC Requirements CE017 - 1 - AppendicesABC - Code The code exempts some fairly broad areas where compliance is not expected. Therefore, elevator equipment rooms must maintain a temperature between 50F and 90F.
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