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Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) spend was 15,197 million, an increase of 645 million (4.4% increase) on 2018, UK bilateral ODA spend was 10,258 million (67.5% of total UK ODA) while UK core funding to multilaterals was 4,939 million (32.5% of total UK ODA), DFID spent 11,107 million of ODA in 2019. , Iraq = 5 per cent; India = 5 per cent; Indonesia = 2 per cent. DEFRAs ODA spend delivers against international climate, biodiversity and development objectives. For more information see the Multilateral Funding section, it is administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective, it is concessional, including grants and soft loans, total UK spend on ODA, the UKs ODA:GNI ratio and a breakdown of spend by main government department delivery channels, analysis of UK ODA spend by recipient country or multilateral organisation, as well as type of assistance and sector, comparisons between the UK and other donor countries, the ODA:GNI ratio was 0.70%. This follows a peak in 2017, in part driven by increased humanitarian assistance to conflict affected populations, South Sudan returned to the top 10 in 2019, becoming the third highest African recipient of UK bilateral country-specific ODA. First, total Russian net ODA disbursements nearly quadrupled from US$231 million in 2010 to US$902 million in 2015 (in constant 2015 dollars). In 2019, the UK remained the country with the fifth highest ODA:GNI ratio with 0.70%; Luxembourg had the highest with 1.05%. C. Other = Other contributors of UK ODA, Scottish Government, Other In-Donor Refugee Costs, Colonial Pensions administered by DFID and Welsh Government. Improvements to the system are being considered but for this publication, where this is the case spend is reported as bilateral ODA spend with no single benefitting country or region (section 4.1.5). The strategy is published in the context of reduced UK aid spending and the Government's wider foreign policy intentions to increase UK efforts in Africa and the Indo-Pacific, partly in response to China. Figure 3: Breakdown of UK ODA by contributor (2015, 2018 and 2019). Top 5 country-specific recipients of UK ODA, Figure 6: Top 5 country-specific bilateral ODA recipients, 2009-2019. BEIS funding supports large scale mitigation projects in the following thematic areas: unlocking clean and affordable energy for all and accelerating decarbonisation, building sustainable cities and transports systems, halting deforestation and preventing irreversible biodiversity loss, helping countries and communities to become more resilient to the damaging effects of climate change. Other government departments will continue to publish throughout this period. On 2 September 2020, DFID and FCO merged to form the new Department Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Individual departments that bid for funding are accountable for their own spending and delivery under the given fund. 4. The Prosperity Fund is an innovative cross-government fund, focused on Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible middle income countries and emerging economies. B. I. Because the UK economy is set to get bigger over the next few years the real value of development aid spending is expected to increase. For media enquiries please contact the FCDO Press Office on +44 (0)20 7008 3100. Additional Tables and Annexes are available. DFID data for this publication is based on an extract of the ARIES database taken in June 2019, after the end of the calendar year 2019 and financial year 2019/20. We are always keen to enhance the value of these statistics and welcome your feedback either via our Statistics User Group or via email Figure 11: Breakdown of UK 2019 bilateral ODA by Type of Aid. The UK was spending approximately 0.43 percent on foreign aid a decade ago and 0.57 as recently as 2012. Thursday, March 2nd, 2023 2:19am. The FCO ODA programmes concentrated on the strategic objectives of promoting global prosperity, and strengthening global peace, security and governance. In 2016, the UK spent 13.4 billion on overseas aid, in line with the 0.7% target. In 2022, the United States government donated over 12 billion U.S. dollars in humanitarian aid worldwide. BEIS=Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; FCO=Foreign & Commonwealth Office. The 2021 federal budget announced an additional $1.4 billion for international assistance over five years. Figures released by the Foreign Office yesterday revealed that China . It is bordered by the Red Sea to the west; Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait to the north; the . There are 2 main delivery channels for ODA: bilateral and multilateral (Figure 2). Figure 3 legend: A) Percentage of UK ODA spend by DFID, Other Government Departments (OGDs) and Other UK Contributors (Other Contributors) in 2015 (dark blue), 2018 (light blue) and 2019 (grey). The quality assurance Annex 3 describes the steps that have been taken by FCDO statisticians to minimise these kinds of input errors, and to produce UK ODA statistics. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab unveiled his department's Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) allocations for 2021-22 in a written parliamentary statement Wednesday. DEFRAs ODA programming supports the delivery of all four UK Aid Strategy objectives by strengthening global peace, security and governance, strengthening resilience and response to crises, promoting Global Prosperity and tackling extreme poverty and helping the worlds most vulnerable. This allows regional teams to adjust funding to ensure they have a strategic fit with HMG objectives and are delivering effectively. This publication confirms the UKs ODA:GNI ratio for the previous year, as well as including more detailed analysis of the UKs Bilateral and Multilateral ODA, and includes the microdata used to produce the publication. See the case study in SID 2018 (p. 34) for more information on Developing country, unspecified ODA. Pension payments made to ex-members of the UK Overseas Civil Service who were employed directly by developing country governments. In 2019, UK bilateral ODA received by Afghanistan increased compared with 2018 to 292 million (an increase of 43m) (Figure 6). Luxembourg made the largest contribution as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) at 1.05% and . This is partly due to there being no contribution to the IMF- Poverty Reduction Growth Trust Fund in 2019, compared to a contribution of 120 million in 2015, in 5 of the 15 top recipient countries, the UK contributed 15% or more of total DAC donor ODA: Ethiopia, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen and Pakistan. In 2019, 659 million was delivered through the fund, an increase of 54 million compared to 2018. In 2019, 57.6% (5,908m) of the UKs bilateral ODA was allocated to a specific country or region. the social, economic or humanitarian assistance area it aims to support. This primarily is linked to food and shelter for up to 12 months. the UK Government) or their executive agencies, where each transaction meets the following requirements: The list of countries eligible to receive ODA is set by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). While Ukraine has been able to acquire a variety of modern weapons from the U.S. and Europe, few countries have been willing to d. 17 hours ago. Figure 17: DAC Donors Provisional ODA:GNI Ratio, 2018 and 2019[footnote 26]. These are extracted from DFIDs ARIES database, and the detailed data is subject to input errors from spending teams. The British government has ended direct bilateral aid to more than 100 countries and territories, according to a Devex analysis of a letter written by Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. support for international development work or asylum seekers/recognised refugees in the UK or another donor country), while 14.6% was for specific programmes or funds managed by international organisations in a specific sector with no designated benefitting countries. It supports the UKs aim of promoting global prosperity, creating the broad-based and inclusive growth needed for poverty reduction, contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The grey section represents the proportion of total UK ODA that was channelled as core contributions to multilaterals, Core Multilateral. The plan to reduce the UK's contribution to foreign aid to 0.5% of GNI - despite a United Nations target of 0.7% - has been met with widespread domestic and international criticism. It highlights that although the United States spent the greatest volume of ODA of any DAC donor (27.1bn), this represented a smaller share of its national income when compared with most other donors (0.16% of its GNI). A report from the International Development Committee said the world's poorest countries were being "short-changed" by the government as the "political . Figure 1 legend: The blue bars are the UK ODA spend from 1970 to 2019, the pink line is the calculated ODA:GNI ratio from 1970 to 2019 and the grey dashed line is the 0.7% ODA:GNI target set by the United Nations General Assembly in 1970. As mentioned above, the ODA:GNI ratio is based on confirmed ODA spend and estimates of GNI published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Spend increased by 56 million on 2018 to 207 million in 2019. And because the economy grew in 2019, aid spending rose in line with national income from 14.5 billion to 15.2 billion an increase of 645 million (4.4%) compared to 2018. The percentage share of total bilateral ODA of the five largest sectors in 2019 was 66.3%, a slight increase from 2018 (67.8%). As the data in the publication is largely based on administrative data it is not subject to sampling error. Gross National Income (GNI) per capita below the World Bank high-income threshold defines the coverage and boundaries of the list. Figures for DAC donors final 2019 ODA will be published in December. The U.S. provides aid to countries that are recovering from war, developing countries, and countries that are strategically important to the U.S. Foreign aid may be given as a signal of diplomatic approval, or to strengthen a military ally. The UK works with a wide range of organisations, for example to: respond to humanitarian need; develop infrastructure; support economic growth; or ensure that particular diseases are tackled in line with the best available evidence. BEISs ODA includes spend on International Climate Finance, jointly managed with FCDO and DEFRA. In 2020, Britain spent 14.5bn on foreign aid, a figure that meets the 0.7 per cent target, according to provisional data published by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in April. This was an increase of 211 million (or 1.9%) compared with 2018. Spend in 2019 increased from 2018, with total bilateral ODA received by Asia being 126 million higher than the previous peak in 2016. The UK commitment to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) on ODA is reported the year following the spend based on confirmed ODA outturn and GNI estimates published by the Office for National Statistics. These non-DFID sources account for around 29.6% in 2019 and are largely derived from financial transaction data. The DAC publish detailed information of the multilaterals country and sector spending in December. If a multilateral organisation does not report to the DAC but works in multiple sectors and/or countries, then its core contributions are not allocated to a country or sector. The Home Office has "raided" the foreign aid budget as costs to support refugees in the UK triple, ministers claim. Development Tracker. Private spending or donations made in support of developing countries, for example by the public, the voluntary sector or through remittances, are not part of the ODA definition and not covered in this publication. The government's decision to cut aid spending [makes it] the only G7 country to do so. In the Blue Book 2019, the ONS implemented a major new methodology framework for GDP, which in turn had a sizable impact on GNI. It is therefore not possible to directly track the use of UK core multilateral funding. The date for the publication is still to be confirmed, owing to the impact of COVID-19 on the reviews completion.
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