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c.Provide any other elements included in the state's definition of "temporary change", including those implemented during the pandemic, and provide the citation. "Affordable child care arrangements": c.How are parents who receive TANF benefits informed about the exception to the individual penalties associated with the TANF work requirements? The governor's office said in a news release that those increases will make the subsidies available to an additional 20,000 children. 905 South Goodwin Avenue. Describe the activities and the results of these activities: [ ] ix. Lunch/supper $2.63. No, but the state/territory is in the QRIS development phase. Written agreements. iv. d.If applicable, discuss the state process for the adoption, implementation, and continued improvement of state out-of-school time standards. The procedures for providing information on and referring families and child care providers to the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment program under the Medicaid program-carried out under Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Excessive unexplained absences despite multiple attempts by the Lead Agency or designated entity to contact the family and provider, including the prior notification of a possible discontinuation of assistance. c.Describe whether the state/territory has a review process for individuals disqualified due to a felony drug offense to determine if that individual is still eligible for employment (98.43 (e)(2-4). The Illinois Department of Human Services strives to support providers in caring for children by offering tools and resources to help you be successful. If applicable, provide the website link detailing the family child care home provider qualifications: c.Regulated or registered In-home Care (care in the child's own home by a non-relative). [ ]No. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care or similar coordinating body (pursuant to 642B(b)(I)(A)(i) of the Head Start Act). ii. 1-800-342-3720. Describe how the family member certifies that family assets do not exceed $1,000,000 (e.g., a checkoff on the CCDF application). i. * Use the chart below to determine the most appropriate babysitting rate by hourly wage by location. Describe how the state/territory's framework for training and professional development addresses the following required elements: State/territory professional standards and competencies. [ ] a.Tiered or differential rates are not implemented. Describe the procedures to permit the enrollment of children experiencing homelessness while required documentation is obtained. If no, skip to 7.4.1. Describe and provide the citation: [ ] c. In-home care (care in the child's own) (if applicable): a. License-exempt center-based child care. The Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative enhances child care affordability by offering funding to eligible, licensed child care providers to reduce and stabilize parents' monthly child care fees. [ ] c. Relative providers must fully comply with all licensing requirements. Lead Agencies may not terminate CCDF assistance during the minimum 12-month period if a family has an increase in income that exceeds the state's income eligibility threshold but not the federal threshold of 85 percent of state median income (SMI). Describe: ExceleRate provides a MOU template for providers. [ ] ii. Describe how each of the benchmarks are met in either the MRS or ACF pre-approved alternative methodology. First child under 19 months. Memorandums of understanding (MOUs) within the Lead Agency's various divisions that administer or carry out the various aspects of CCDF, MOUs, grants, or contracts to other state agencies that administer or carry out various aspects of CCDF, Grants or contracts to other organizations that administer or carry out various aspects of CCDF, such as professional development and family engagement activities, Internal processes for conducting child care provider subsidy. applicable licensing and regulatory requirements, health and safety standards, training and professional development standards, and appropriate child to staff ratio, groups size limits, and caregiver qualification requirements (98.45 (f)(ii)(A)). Provide the citation(s) for this policy or procedure. (e.g., the Plan was made available in other languages, in multiple formats, etc.). Provide the citation(s) for the standard(s), including citations for both licensed and license-exempt providers. c.Describe how the Lead Agency considered stakeholder views and comments in the detailed report. b. [ ] iv. Relative providers are exempt from a portion of monitoring and enforcement requirements. iii. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: State/territory agency responsible for public health, including the agency responsible for immunizations. How the Lead Agency ensures that parents who enroll with a provider who has a grant or contract have choices when selecting a provider: ii. Starting July 1, he said, providers enrolled in the states Child Care Assistance Program, or CCAP, which subsidizes child care for low-income families, will see an 8 percent increase in their reimbursement rates. [ ] a. If checked, describe the status of the Lead Agency's implementation of the ACF pre-approved alternative methodology, including if applicable, the date of the ACF approval and a description of the methodology: b. Coordinating with Head Start, Prekindergarten, other early learning programs, or school-age programs to create a package of arrangements that accommodates parents' work schedules, [ ] b. How does the Lead Agency allow families to report changes to ensure that reporting requirements are not burdensome and to avoid an impact on continued eligibility between redeterminations? Describe the policy and provide the policy citation. Components of National Background Check, c.Components of Interstate Background Checks. How you will be combining multiple sets of funding, such as at the state/territory level, local level, program level? Payment Rates for Child Care Providers - Effective January 1, 2022 GROUP 1A COUNTIES. 8.1.7What type of sanction will the Lead Agency place on clients and providers to help reduce improper payments due to program violations? 4717 and ask for a reprint. A. [ ] a. How CCDF families or child care providers receiving CCDF can use the available resources and services to obtain developmental screenings for CCDF children at risk for cognitive or other developmental delays. The survey is conducted, in part, to meet the state's Child Care and Development Fund requirements related to the Child Care . Many states and tribes have consultation policies and procedures in place. Please contact the Illinois Department on Aging at 217-782-2407 for more information on the adult portion of the . Describe: [ ] ix. Breakfast $0.51. [ ] d.Differential rate for infants and toddlers. Responses for "other" are optional. An FBI fingerprint check satisfies the requirement to perform an interstate check of another state's criminal history record repository if the responding state (where the child care staff member has resided within the past 5 years) participates in the NFF program. Describe the Lead Agency's policies and procedures related to providing a minimum 12-month eligibility period at initial eligibility determination and redetermination and provide a citation for these policies or procedures. (A relative provider must be at least 18 years of age based on the definition of eligible child care provider (98.2)). The salary for a child care worker can vary depending on the years of experience that a person has, from entry level to senior level. Describe the state/territory's training and TA efforts for providers in identifying and serving children and their families experiencing homelessness (relates to question 3.2.2). [ ] ii. Describe any other strategies that the Lead Agency uses to make the CCDF Plan and Plan amendments available to the public (98.14(d)). Define the number of unexplained absences identified as excessive: B. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: Agency responsible for emergency management and response. If yes, describe the elements of the plan that were updated: [ ] Applications and public informational materials available in Braille and other communication formats for access by individuals with disabilities, [ ] c.Caseworkers with specialized training/experience in working with individuals with disabilities, [ ] f.Partnerships with parent associations, support groups, and parent-to-parent support groups, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) federally funded Parent Training and Information Centers. [ ] No. iii. Describe: [ ] vii. Check all that apply. Disqualify the client. With this in mind , effective July 1, 2022 CCAP policy was revised in accordance . i. Describe the activities and the results of these activities: c.Check and describe any activities that the Lead Agency will use to investigate and recover improper payments due to unintentional program violations. If yes, please identify the methodology(ies) used below to assess child care prices and/or costs. Describe the policy or procedure. Families who are receiving or needing to receive protective services on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the Lead Agency for purposes of CCDF eligibility. IDHS will implement the following policy changes effective 7/1/2020: The 30% rate add-on for children of priority essential workers and essential workers will end on 6/30/2020. Describe the policy or procedure and include a definition of the time increments (e.g., part time, full-time). Describe: [ ] d.Restricted to care by relatives. Contact us using the link Below. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: State/territory office/director for Head Start state collaboration. b. June 15, 2022, Child Care Subsidy Program Parent Fee Waiver Update; . b. First child of school age receiving care before or after school care if another child in the family, who has not reached school age, is also in care in the home. Rates are adjusted annually each July, as required by the statutes and regulations governing CACFP. Some or all program rules and policies are set or established by local entities or agencies. b. How and where are reports posted in a timely manner? Check and describe all that apply. That's the Illinois that our residents deserve and together, we're making it happen.. Interstate Criminal History Registry Check Procedures, Interstate Sex Offender Registry Check Procedures, Interstate Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Check Procedures. requirements for cases in which children receive, or need to receive, protective services on a case-by-case basis? Meet regularly regarding the implementation of policies. a. (ii)An amount lower than 85 percent of SMI for a family of the same size but above the Lead Agency's initial eligibility threshold that: (A)Takes into account the typical household budget of a low-income family. If applicable, describe the differential monitoring process and how these inspections ensure that child care center providers continue to comply with the applicable licensing standards, including health, safety, and fire standards. Thousands more families in Illinois will soon be eligible for subsidized child care and child care providers will see a pay raise under a series of initiatives that Gov. After that, when families go through redetermination to see if they are still eligible, the income limit will go up to 275 percent of the poverty level, or $63,333 for a family of three. Note: Disqualification decisions should align to the response provided in 5.5.7. Describe and provide the citation by answering the questions below. This description should identify the practices which must be implemented by child care programs. To receive a [] Identify the TANF agency that established these criteria or definitions: b. For questions about lead testing, refer to the the Office of Child Care's FAQs, contact the Lead Hotline at 503-947-5908 or visit their Lead Poisoning Prevention website. If any of the responses above are different for license-exempt child care centers, describe which requirements apply to exempt centers: iv. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: McKinney-Vento state coordinators for homeless education and other agencies providing services for children experiencing homelessness and, to the extent practicable, local McKinney-Vento liaisons. Describe: l. Coordinating with mental health consultants. Describe the activities and the results of these activities: [ ] d.Other. If checked, identify the name, address, contact, and type of entities designated to receive private donated funds: d. [ ] State expenditures for PreK programs are used to meet the CCDF matching funds requirement. a. This description should detail how the Lead Agency ensures the privacy of background checks. include any partners in providing this information. 1 Among children with at least one weekly nonparental care arrangement. [ ] iii. Reg. Identify the date of the ACF approval and describe the methodology: a. If applicable, describe the differential monitoring process and how these inspections ensure that family child care providers continue to comply with the applicable licensing standards, including health, safety, and fire standards. Check which optional partners the Lead Agency coordinates with and describe the coordination goals, processes and results. You and your child care provider complete the required paperwork and CCRC authorizes the child care services and rates. And families that qualify for CCAP with a parent or guardian . b. Include a description of the results of such activity. And families that qualify for CCAP with a parent or guardian working in child care will have their copays capped at $1. Certify and describe how the health, safety, and well-being of children served through assistance received through CCDF will not be compromised as a result of the waiver. Please include specific website links if used to provide notice. j. Check all that apply. a.License-exempt center-based CCDF providers, including if monitoring is announced or unannounced, occurs more frequently than once per year, and if differential monitoring is used. Include in the description how each activity assists in the investigation and recovery of improper payment due to fraud or intentional program violations. Or are standards related to quality environments flexible enough to define quality in home-based environments, as well as child care center environments? Provide the citation for this policy or procedure related to the second eligibility threshold: i. [ ]Meeting Head Start/Early Head Start Program Performance Standards, [ ]Meeting Prekindergarten quality requirements, [ ]School-age standards, where applicable, For what types of providers are quality ratings or other indicators of quality available. Does the Lead Agency provide child care to children who receive, or need to receive protective services? d.Provide the link(s) to the sliding-fee scale: [ ] i. Provide the citation for this policy or procedure. Geographic area (e.g., statewide or local markets). a. An accountant with 0-2 years of experience earns an average salary of $28,618, a mid-career professional with 3-6 years of experience makes $31,284 a year on average, and a senior level accountant with 7-12 years of experience enjoys an average annual salary of . Provide the citation for this policy or procedure. C.Identify the frequency of unannounced inspections: D.If applicable, describe the differential monitoring process and how these inspections ensure that in-home care (care in the child's own providers continue to comply with the applicable licensing standards, including health, safety, and fire standards. No, the state/territory has no plans for QRIS development. Additional policy changes announced Monday include eliminating child care copays for families experiencing homelessness; expanding eligibility to parents and guardians who are attending online school from home; continuing to provide three months of child care assistance for unemployed parents seeking to reenter the workforce through December 2022; launching an early childhood enrollment campaign, including investments in community outreach; and extending the hold on family fee collection for early intervention services through the end of this calendar year. Paying on a part-time or full-time basis (rather than paying for hours of service or smaller increments of time). As a reminder, there is a current USDA nationwide waiver which allows all family child care homes to claim Tier 1 reimbursement rates regardless of location through June 30, 2022. If any of the responses above are different for license-exempt family child care homes, describe which requirements apply to exempt homes: iii. DuPage Kane. The 2022-2023 Child and Adult Food Program reimbursement rates for family child care providers have been released. d.License-exempt family child care homes: e.Regulated or registered In-home child care: f.Non-regulated or registered in-home child care: [ ] d. Any other areas determined necessary to promote child development or to protect children's health and safety (98.44(b)(1)(iii)). Describe the exemptions based on length of day, threshold on the number of children in care, ages of children in care, or any other factors applicable to the exemption. vi. [X] Orientation within three (3) months of hire. Interstate Sex Offender Registry (SOR) Check: c.Interstate Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Registry Check: a. Local entity (e.g., counties, workforce boards, early learning coalitions). Describe how the Lead Agency prioritizes increasing access to high-quality child care and development services for children of families in areas that have significant concentrations of poverty and unemployment and that do not have access to high-quality programs. b. Describe how a waiver of the provision will, by itself, improve the delivery of child care services for children. Describe the quality information: [ ] vii. [ ]Yes. [ ] iv. To certify, describe the policies and practices for the annual monitoring of license-exempt in-home care, including if monitoring is announced or unannounced, occurs more frequently than once per year, and if differential monitoring procedures are used. Assure by describing how the Lead Agency did not reduce its level of effort in full-day/full-year child care services, pursuant to 98.55(h)(1) and 98.15(a)(6). Describe any variations in training requirements for the standard(s). i. B. The child care staff member is provided with information related to each disqualifying crime in a report, along with information/notice on the opportunity to appeal, A child care staff member will receive clear instructions about how to complete the appeals process for each background check component if the child care staff member wishes to challenge the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in such member's background report, If the staff member files an appeal, the state or territory will attempt to verify the accuracy of the information challenged by the child care staff member, including making an effort to locate any missing disposition information related to the disqualifying crime, The appeals process is completed in a timely manner for any appealing child care staff member, Each child care staff member shall receive written notice of the decision. Date of notice of public hearing (date for the notice of public hearing identified in a. Then identify which types of providers are included in these activities. c.The Lead Agency's payment practices reflect generally accepted payment practices of child care providers who serve children who do not receive CCDF subsidies. Check all that apply if response differs for different categories of care. Do training requirements vary by category of care (i.e. Does the Lead Agency discontinue assistance during the minimum 12-month eligibility period due to a parent's non-temporary loss or cessation of eligible activity and offer a minimum 3-month period to allow parents to engage in a job search and to resume participation in an eligible activity? 1431 et seq.). iii. Provide the citation(s) for this training requirement(s), including citations for both licensed and license-exempt providers. a. 1-866-324-5553 TTY, 2020 Illinois Department of Human Services, Market Rate Survey of Licensed Child Care Programs in Illinois Fiscal Year 2021. Tiered payment rates (as discussed in 4.3.3 ). Sex offender registry or repository in the current state of residency, [ ] iii. The purpose of the survey is to determine local child care market rates and other information about child care providers in the state. Describe how the required domains are included in the state/territory's early learning and developmental guidelines. c.Describe how the Lead Agency's QRIS, or other system for improving quality, considers how quality may look different in the different types of provider settings which participate in the QRIS or other system of quality improvement. Describe the activities and the results of these activities: d.Check and describe all activities that the Lead Agency will use to investigate and recover improper payments due to agency errors. New update available (September 2021) Governor Pritzker has announced an expansion of financial assistance for child care providers and families. Military departments will increase the community provider fee assistance rate cap from $1,500 per child, per month to $1,700 per child, per month to ensure child care subsidies for military . vi. [ ] ii. v.How do providers receive updated information and/or training regarding the standard(s)? State Office of the Inspector General, State Attorney). Families earning under $190,015 will not have their CCS capped. Include citations for both licensed and license-exempt providers. [ ] ii. Describe your state/territory's policies and practices for annual, unannounced inspections of licensed CCDF child care center providers. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: State/territory agency responsible for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and other relevant nutrition programs. [ ] Yes. Trey Yingst disclosed the effects of his experience in an opinion piece for USA Today.. Identify the date of the Lead Agencies' most recent and complete Market Rate Survey or ACF pre-approved alternative methodology that will provide data to inform responses to questions 4.2.2-4.5.2. a. First child 19 months and over. a. To certify, describe the state/territory policies and practices regarding the ratio of licensing inspectors to child care providers (i.e. Naperville: $1,146 per month or $13,752 per . Grace B. Hou, Secretary, IDHS Help Line If yes, describe how many jurisdictions use grants or contracts for child care slots. Children experiencing homelessness (as defined by the CCDF Final Rule). Describe any variations in the standards by category of care (i.e. [ ] viii. Department of Health and Human Services, Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Program; Proposed Rule, 80 Fed. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: b. The Lead Agency must certify that the identified health and safety standard(s) is (are) in effect and enforced through monitoring. [ ] vi. All sponsor organizations provide the exact same rate of reimbursement. Return to Top . If checked, identify the entity and describe the type of quality improvement activities the local entity(ies) can set. a. The Big Give 2022 - Thanksgiving Giveaway If you, or someone you know, needs help providing a turkey for Thanksgiving, Stone Creek Church, in cooperation with The Urbana Meijer and The Universitv of Illinois Office of Volunteer Proqrams, is offering a whole frozen turkey and a bag of holiday groceries this Thanksgiving season. Provide the direct URL/website link to the offenses that prevent individuals from being employed by a child care provider or receiving CCDF funds, as described in questions 5.5.4: Provide the website link to the list of child care providers searchable by ZIP code: In addition to the licensed providers that are required to be included in your searchable list, are there additional providers included in the Lead Agency's searchable list of child care providers (please check all that apply)? d.Families must have the option to voluntarily report changes on an ongoing basis during the minimum 12-month eligibility period. a. In the case of a negative determination, the decision should indicate 1) the state's efforts to verify the accuracy of information challenged by the child care staff member, 2) any additional appeals rights available to the child care staff member, and 3) information on how the individual can correct the federal or state records at issue in the case. d. Improving the supply and quality of child care services for infants and toddlers. Supporting the positive development of school-age children (98.53(a)(1)(iii). Public and non-profit institutions sponsoring family day care homes. Under Age 2 Full - Day Part - Day Age 2 Carrying out other activities determined by the state/territory to improve the quality of infant and toddler care provided within the state/territory and for which there is evidence that the activities will lead to improved infant and toddler health and safety, cognitive and physical development, and/or well-being. They focus on expanding access to early childhood care and education for low-income families who need it and investing in child care workers and providers so that they can continue to serve families in their communities.. Washington D.C. has the most expensive child care of any state at $24,243 per year or $2,020 per month. To certify, describe the procedures to ensure that CCDF providers comply with the required Health and Safety Training as described in Section 5.3. c.To certify, describe the procedures to ensure that CCDF providers comply with all other applicable state and local health, safety, and fire standards. Describe the provision (Narrow Cost Analysis) from which the state/territory seeks relief. Infant care in the US costs anywhere from 10.9% of household incomelike in South Dakotaall the way up to 26.3% of household income in Washington, DC. The COVID-19 attendance exemption for child care providers will end on 6/30/2020. Identify the CCDF-eligible center-based child care providers who are exempt from licensing requirements. After that, you will receive a PPR in the mail by the 1st of the month. Paying for reasonable mandatory registration fees that the provider charges to private-paying parents. Complete columns (i) and (ii) based on maximum eligibility at initial entry into CCDF. i. Describe: i. iii. Child Care health consultation. Describe: Introduction and How to Approach Plan Development, 1 Define Leadership and Coordination with Relevant Systems and Funding Sources, 1.3 Consultation in the Development of the CCDF Plan, 1.4 Coordination with Partners to Expand Accessibility and Continuity of Care, 1.5 Optional Use of Combined Funds, CCDF Matching, and Maintenance-of-Effort Funds, 1.7 Coordination with Child Care Resource and Referral Systems, 1.8 Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan, 2 Promote Family Engagement Through Outreach and Consumer Education, 2.1 Outreach to Families with Limited English Proficiency and Persons with Disabilities, 2.4 Additional Consumer and Provider Education, 2.5 Procedures for Providing Information on Developmental Screenings, 3 Provide Stable Child Care Financial Assistance to Families, 3.3 Increasing Access for Vulnerable Children and Families, 4 Ensure Equal Access to Child Care for Low-Income Children, 4.1 Maximize Parental Choice and Implement Supply Building Mechanisms, 4.2 Assess Market Rates and Analyze the Cost of Child Care, 4.4 Implement Generally Accepted Payment Practices and Ensure Timeliness of Payments, 5 Establish Standards and Monitoring Processes to Ensure the Health and Safety of Child Care Settings, 5.2 Standards for Ratios, Group Size and Qualifications for CCDF Providers, 5.3 Health and Safety Standards and Training for CCDF Providers, 5.4 Monitoring and Enforcement Policies and Practices for CCDF Providers, 6 Recruit and Retain a Qualified and Effective Child Care Workforce, 6.2 Training and Professional Development Requirements, 6.3 Supporting Training and Professional Development of the Child Care Workforce with CCDF Quality Funds, 6.4 Early Learning and Developmental Guidelines, 7.1 Quality Activities Needs Assessment for Child Care Services, 7.3 Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) or Another System of Quality Improvement, 7.4 Improving the Supply and Quality of Child Care Programs and Services for Infants and Toddlers, 7.6 Facilitating Compliance with State Standards, 7.7 Evaluating and Assessing the Quality and Effectiveness of Child Care Programs and Services, 7.10 Other Quality Improvement Activities, 8 Ensure Grantee Program Integrity and Accountability, 8.1 Internal Controls and Accountability Measures to Help Ensure Program Integrity, Appendix A: MRS, Alternative Methodology and Narrow Cost Analysis Waiver Request Form,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Define CCDF Leadership and Coordination with Relevant Systems and Funding Sources, Promote Family Engagement Through Outreach and Consumer Education, Provide Stable Child Care Financial Assistance to Families, Ensure Equal Access to Child Care for Low-Income Children, Establish Standards and Monitoring Processes to Ensure the Health and Safety of Child Care Settings, Recruit and Retain a Qualified and Effective Child Care Workforce, Ensure Grantee Program Integrity and Accountability.
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