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e. Foreign language proficiency and utilization will be compensated at a rate and in the manner best suited to attract and retain a qualified cadre of foreign language professionals necessary to accomplish the mission of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise. U.S. Navy Pay and Benefits | Get the latest on pay updates, benefit changes and award-winning military content. Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) - Military Benefits Javanese (JV/JAV) Years of real-time translation in a high-pressure environment can fry your brain. In an essay written by the nominee, not to exceed five double spacedtypewritten pages (11 point, Arial font), addressthe following topic: How do you sustain and improve your foreign language skillset, and how has that helped you in the accomplishment of your mission?. Yakan (YN/YKA)3 i.e. Foreign Language Proficiency Pay | Military Wiki | Fandom More information on civilian foreign language proficiency pay may be found in local command instructions or in DoD Instruction 1400.25, volume 2016, DoD Civilian Personnel Management System: Administration of Foreign Language Pay for Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Employees, of 15 June 2015. I am trying to find foreign language pay list. 1-888-332-7411 7. for assistance with foreign language testing administration and coordination issues, please contact netpdtc's navy foreign language testing office. "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. (U//FOUO) U.S. Navy Strategic Foreign Language List The DLPT and DLAB serve entirely different purposes. Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP) if they are certified as pro-ficient in a foreign language the Sec-retary has determined to be necessary for national security interests, and if they are not receiving FLPP as pro-vided in 10 U.S.C. It turns out that native Spanish speakers have trouble with this, because Spanish has strict rules about which syllables are stressed, and they aren't used to the variety of stressed syllables that the made-up language on the DLAB uses. Disability compensation is paid to veterans disabled by an injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated during active Copyright 2023 Foreign Language Proficiency Testing Update Philippine Island languages5 Foreign Language Proficiency Pay - Wikipedia Background and Intent a. Punjabi (PJ/PAN) Soldiers with a language-dependent MOS, lAW AR 11-6 and . The pay policies and requirements established by the DoD in this chapter are derived Egyptian (AE/ARZ) Azerbaijani (AX/AZE) Couple years ago they stopped paying for multiple dialects. The highest maximum pay rate for a single-language proficiency increases from $200 to $500 per month; likewise, the maximum pay rate for multiple-language proficiency increases from $300 to $1,000 per month. Members who obtain a satisfactory DLPT score are eligible to receive incentive Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP). FLPP rates vary depending on your score and on the language itself (languages on the Strategic Language List are considered more critical; thus it pays extra to know them). DLI is a pressure cooker, my class started with 100 students, there were 48 left at the end of the year. (2) Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System employees eligible for FLPP, Random thoughts on the DLAB/DLPT:I scored 107 on the DLAB, barely enough to get into Farsi, the cutoff was 100. A job in the Naval Service means adventure, camaraderie - and lifelong prospects. Officers and enlisted members proficient in foreign languages may be able to supplement their basic pay with Foreign Language Proficiency Pay/Bonus (FLPP/FLPB). Developing agile, responsive LREC plans and policies to deliver the best returnof investment. Some questions are multiple-choice while others require constructed-response test responses (meaning the answer must be written out). To give you a quick overview:1) First apply through your education officer to undertake the Modern Languages Aptitude Test (MLAT)2) On successful completion and recording onto JPA as a competency, speak again to your education officer about what languages you can learn/get paid extra for. Military Foreign Language Skill Proficiency Bonuses. Email us, An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information. However I cannot seem to find the language list for the Navy. The poster showed a Special Forces soldier conducting a military . according to DoD Instruction 1340.27, Military Foreign Language Skill Proficiency Bonuses and DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Chapter 19. A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. Gulf (DG/QAG) Secretary of Defense Message to the Force, 8 Activities That Can Quickly Prepare You For Military Service, Feb. 15 Is Deadline for Scholarships for Military Children, How Online Cash Advance Can Help in Emergency Situations, Point Barrow LRRS Keeps Watch Over Top of the World, General Cites Broader Pattern of Chinese Harassment, Marine Corps Begins Process to Move Foxtrot Range, Officials See Real Progress in Indo-Pacific, Qualifications in a career linguist duty specialty, Assignment to duties requiring foreign language proficiency, Proficiency in a foreign language deemed critical. Marathi (MR/MAR) In the case of foreign languages or dialects where a DLPT or another test approved by OUSD P&R does not exist but an OUSD P&R-approved OPI is available, the Secretary may pay FLPB for the single S modality only. Attachment 14 Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus Certified by: AF/A1 (Mr. Robert E. Corsi Jr.) Pages: 29 This instruction implements Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1340.27, Military Foreign Language Skill Proficiency Bonus and AFPD36-40, Air Force Language, Region and Culture Program. 5 Navy considers these Philippine Island dialects and languages one language group. Despite the removal of the six languages from the special-pay category, education officials say sailors should continue taking the annual proficiency tests. Developed by the Defense Language Institute (DLI), the tests differ as follows: Think of DLPT as a military equivalent of CEFR (European languages), JLPT (Japanese), HSK (Chinese) and so on. For those seeking entry into a military branch, a recruiter can guide you on taking applicable tests to qualify for a linguist job. Lingala (LJ/LIN) So you'll get more money from Navy. The Semper Fi Fund provides immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to post 9/11 wounded, critically ill and injured service members and their families. I retired a few years ago and haven't used my Farsi since. Yearly Pay w/ Benefits. The monthly rate will not exceed $500 per month for a single foreign language or dialect, or $1,000 per month for two or more foreign languages or dialects. Learn more about it below. Mandarin (CM/CMN) $84,676.64 Avg. %%EOF It also places desired languages in 3 distinct categories of difficulty (3 being supposedly the most challenging). Igbo (JB/IBO) The DLAB helps the military determine the level of language difficulty one could expect to excel in, based on their scores. Proficiency scores are assigned to both the listening and reading portions. European (PT/QPE)3 In the case of languages or dialects where there is only a single modality Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Personnel & Readiness (OUSD P&R)-approved test (L or R score), the Secretary concerned may: Require the member to also take an OUSD P&R-approved Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) to achieve the requirement of two modality scores for FLPB eligibility; or. PDF Department of Defense INSTRUCTION - Military Connection - Foreign Language Proficiency Pay Vietnamese dialects/languages6 Subscribe to to receive updates on all of your military pay and benefits, delivered directly to your inbox. How You Can Earn More With Foreign Language Proficiency Pay The current VA disability pay rates show compensation for veterans with a disability rating 10% or higher. Cebuano (VB/CEB) 1596 and 10 U.S.C. You must have security clearance status to obtain it. Authoritative Guidance . Defense Finance and Accounting Service > MilitaryMembers Lao (LC/LAO)3 However, they still may only pay you for one level (theyll make that determination). The scheduling of Oral Proficiency Interviews (OPIs) during the month of December 2022 will be reserved for service members enrolled in language training, hosted by Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) with an end of course requirement to complete the OPI for graduation. 8 jna, 2022; similarities between indigenous media and library; oracle sso configuration steps. This web-based test is 3 hours long and utilizes audio and written components to test ones listening and reading abilities. Czech (CX/CES)3 navy foreign language pay list - Navy is soliciting for FY22 Navy Foreign Language Awards, announced in, Shannon M. Kent Award for Language Professional Excellence, Officer Language Professional of the Year, Civilian Language Professional of the Year, For FY22 nominations, review OPNAVINST 5400.46A. There's some different vocab, but it's no big deal, it's like truck vs. lorry, elevator vs. lift, etc.But the cool thing is, a Farsi linguist can take the Dari DLPT, or vice versa, and collect an extra $300 per month in FLPP with little or no extra language study. Indonesian dialects/languages Hebrew (HE/HEB) Tausug/Moro (MH/TSG) navy foreign language pay list. 2 Navy considers these Arabic dialects and languages one language group. In the case where a members certified proficiency falls between two skill levels depicted, the member must be paid at the next lower skill level depicted (if at or above ILR skill level 2/2) where both proficiencies meet or exceed that lowest depicted payment threshold. 1596a. Tagalog (TA/TGL)3 To understand how pay inversions happen, you'll need to get your head around how your retirement will be calculated. So a 2+/2 would be $250/mo. Aligning LREC capabilities with operational requirements. hb```,S(qXQ }LJS30pwWnE=0>+&^ p! Korean (KP/KOR)3
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