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04/15/2021 - It is calculated by dividing the number of cases with a specimen collection date during a 7-day period by the state population (county population is used in county view) and multiplying by 100,000: A COVID-19 hospitalization is a Washington resident who is listed in the Washington Disease Reporting System (WDRS) or the Rapid Health Information Network (RHINO) records as hospitalized with confirmed or probable COVID-19. Public health experts agree that the true number of people who have been infected with COVID-19 in Washington greatly exceeds those who have received positive, laboratory-confirmed results. Link/share our site at kingcounty.gov/covid/quarantine Last Updated August 19, 2022 Share Tweet COVID-19: Protection Orders and Personal Service Inslee issues new proclamations on criminal statutes, CDLs and garnishments 03/30/2020 - Say your preferred language when connected. Higher-risk settings include: health care facilities, correctional facilities, detention facilities, homeless shelters, transitional housing, commercial maritime settings (e.g., commercial seafood vessel, cargo ship, cruise ship), temporary worker housing, or crowded work sites where physical distancing is not possible due to the nature of the work (e.g., warehouses, factories, and food packaging and meat processing facilities). Wear a high-quality mask or respirator around others at home and in public for 10 days after your last contact with the person with COVID-19, Commercial maritime setting (e.g., commercial seafood vessels, cargo ships, cruise ships), Crowded work setting where physical distancing is not possible due to the nature of the work, such as in warehouses, factories, and food packaging and meat processing facilities. Current COVID-19 guidance - King County, Washington Inslee extends four proclamations relating to COVID-19 COVID-19: Department of Licensing For general questions about COVID-19 in Washington State call the Washington State COVID-19 Information Hotline at 1-800-525-0127. 06/27/2020 - 07/30/2020 - COVID-19: Long Term Care - Workers, Facilities, and Resources 04/03/2020 - Quarantine and Isolation The CDC has updated the recommended isolation and quarantine period for the general public. 04/14/2020 - 05/31/2020 - COVID-19: Department of Social & Health Services - Family Emergency Assistance Program 11/10/2020 - COVID-19: Department of Licensing CDL Health Certificates and Other Requirements 03/30/2020 - 1111 Washington Street S.E. It is calculated by dividing the number of cases with a specimen collection date during a 14-day period by the state population (county population is used in county view) and multiplying by 100,000: The trend in case rate refers to the trend in 7-day rate of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population. This metric is calculated by dividing the total number of adults with COVID-19 in the hospital by the total number of staffed adult acute care hospital beds, and multiplying by 100: The percent ICU occupancy metric refers to the average percent occupancy of all ICU-staffed beds during a 7-day period. 05/12/2020 - Inslee issues guidance for partially resuming in-store retail and additional manufacturing operations in Phase 2 COVID-19: Community Associations Meetings and Late Fees 06/05/2020 - 06/10/2021 - The CDC requires anyone traveling from outside the country to provide a negative COVID-19 test within three days of travel or show proof of recovery from COVID-19. Inslee signs emergency proclamation requiring in-person education opportunities for public K-12 schools COVID-19: Community Associations Meetings and Late Fees 03/08/2020 - WAC 246-100-040: - Washington Inslee announces extension of eviction moratorium, expansion of vaccine eligibility, long-term care visitations may resume 07/01/2021 - COVID-19: Long-Term Care Workers 03/16/2020 - 06/25/2020 - 08/19/2020 - Inslee extends 26 proclamations relating to COVID-19 COVID-19: Truck Driver Hours Inslee statement on upcoming economic reopening Swedish and SEIU 1199NW agree on new contracts for caregivers COVID-19: Department of Licensing COVID-19: Garnishments and Accrual of Interest COVID-19: DOL Driver License Suspension 04/06/2020 - 11/10/2020 - WA HEALTH is a dynamic data collection system that receives data from hospitals daily as information is available. 06/11/2020 - If the second test is negative, but concerns exist for COVID-19, you may retest 24-48 hours after the second antigen test, for a total of at least 3 tests. 10/08/2020 - 06/18/2020 - 03/29/2021 - By federal law, all claimants were getting $300 in addition to their usual weekly benefit amount for a limited time, except those receiving Training Benefits. Prior to April 30, 2021, we assigned the earliest hospital admission date whether it originated from WDRS or RHINO. 06/21/2021 - 12/08/2020 - COVID-19: Ratepayer Assistance and Preservation of Essential Services COVID-19: Electronic Notary Effective Date 05/29/2020 - 03/19/2021 - 11/20/2020 - 07/31/2020 - If you are unable to continue isolating, make sure to wear a high-quality mask, maintain distance from other people when you can, and avoid spending time in enclosed spaces around other people. In November, Inslee issued a travel advisory urging anyone entering Washington state to self-quarantine for 14 days to slow the spread of COVID-19. 05/11/2020 - Seek an order from the court finding the individual in contempt of court under chapter 7.21 RCW (incarceration and/or fine up to $2,000 per day). 09/11/2020 - Department of Agriculture . VIDEO: A critical caveat Please see What to do if you test positive for COVID-19 (PDF)and What to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19 (PDF) for more information. The data reporting is incomplete until we receive 90% of the laboratory tests, cases, hospitalizations, or deaths for the time-period reported on the dashboard. COVID-19: Collective Bargaining Thank you for your patience as we continue to update our new website. 04/23/2020 - 08/10/2020 - 12/08/2020 - COVID-19: Horas del Conductor de Camion When you are in the same room, make it brief, keep 6 feet apart, and you should both wear masks. 07/31/2020 - Inslee statement on progression of Safe Start phases 04/27/2020 - 03/18/2020 - 03/23/2020 - G ov. 03/24/2020 - COVID-19: Statewide K-12 School Closures 12/08/2020 - 03/22/2020 - 03/18/2021 - Inslee modifies Open Public Meetings Act proclamation regarding election canvassing boards 07/01/2021 - Inslee statement on federal stimulus package Inslee announces statewide restrictions for four-weeks 09/16/2020 - 11/12/2020 - 12/08/2020 - COVID-19: Ampliacin de la Exencin de las Horas del Conductor del Camin Check for any travel restrictions that state, local, or territorial governments may have in place. Please see DOHs guidance What to do if you test positive for COVID-19 and What to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19. 11/10/2020 - Inslee extends 23 proclamations relating to COVID-19 COVID-19: Stay Safe, Stay Healthy Inslee statement on COVID booster expanded eligibility 12/30/2020 - Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) | Occupational Safety and Health Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board 05/15/2020 - Inslee approves use of state strategic reserve funds for Point Roberts business H20-068 details temporary rate changes for Home Care Agencies, training class time and the Family Caregiver Support . COVID-19: Statewide Proclamations Relating to Long-Term Care 06/11/2020 - COVID-19: Department of Social & Health Services Facilities Inslee statement on vaccine approval for 5-to 11-year-olds After you have ended isolation, if your COVID-19 symptoms worsen, restart your isolation at day 0. 04/03/2020 - ), After 5 days, if you have no symptoms or your symptoms are going away, you can leave your home. 12/20/2020 - 03/10/2020 - 05/18/2020 - Inslee issues proclamation waiving College Bound scholarship signature requirement Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, $50 million was provided to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) for the Seafood Processors Pandemic Response and Safety (SPRS) Block Grant Program. COVID-19 Resources and Information COVID-19: Department of Social & Health Services - NAR Waiver Inslee memo to local government officials on Safe Start Reopening Guide 06/18/2020 - Please see below for how to calculate your isolation period and for how to calculate when to get tested and when you can remove your mask after being exposed to COVID-19. 05/29/2020 - 03/15/2020 - 06/15/2021 - Inslee announces update to long-term care facility guidance 04/23/2020 - Previous situation reports in partnership with the Institute for Disease Modeling (IDM) can be found on IDM's COVID-19 Reports page. 06/02/2021 - COVID-19 trends give leaders confidence to look towards next phase of pandemic response Inslee statement on potential national emergency declaration DOC - Prison Commitments 07/23/2020 - COVID-19: OFM Annual Leave and Pay Procedures 03/28/2020 - You can leave isolation after 5 full days if: You should continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others at home and in public for 5 additional days (day 6 through day 10) after the end of your 5-day isolation period. 03/26/2020 - 09/25/2020 - Inslee announces authorization of J & J vaccine by Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup COVID-19: Health care worker licensing You should also avoid being around people who are at high risk until . Use the following forms: If the involuntary quarantine is based solely on the Local Health Officer Order for Involuntary Isolation or Quarantine, no lawsuit has yet been filed, so the Local Health Jurisdiction will need to file a lawsuit using the summons and petition for order authorizing continued involuntary detention for quarantine or isolation. 07/09/2020 - COVID-19: Department of Licensing CDL Health Certificates and Other Requirements
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